Plural man men woman women foot feet tooth

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Plural Исключения man men мужчина woman women женщина foot feet нога tooth teeth зуб

Plural Исключения man men мужчина woman women женщина foot feet нога tooth teeth зуб goose geese гусь mouse mice мышь children ребенок дети ox oxen бык datum data данная величина memorandum memoranda меморандум phenomenon phenomena явление formulae формула basis bases базис crisis crises кризис sheep овца fish рыба deer олень

Plural Упражнения I. Выпишите исчисляемые существительные в одну колонку, а неисчисляемые существительные в другую

Plural Упражнения I. Выпишите исчисляемые существительные в одну колонку, а неисчисляемые существительные в другую колонку. При исчисляемых существительных поставьте артикль а или an: Wool, airship, word, aviation, assistance, assistant, paper (бумага), paper (газета), hour, bread, darkness, water, sea, cheese, happiness, event, glass (стекло), glass (стакан), hero, sand, music, piano, friendship, quickness, tobacco, cigarette, copper, armchair, coffee, ship, coin, university, money, ink, banknote, meat, silver, watch, tree, idea, cow, horse, speed.

Plural I. Проверьте: Неисчисляемые Исчисляемые wool air aviation assistance paper (бумага) bread darkness water

Plural I. Проверьте: Неисчисляемые Исчисляемые wool air aviation assistance paper (бумага) bread darkness water cheese glass (стекло) happiness sand music friendship quickness tobacco copper coffee money ink meat silver an airship a word an assistant a paper (газета) an hour a sea an event a glass (бумага) a hero a piano a friend a cigarette an armchair a ship a coin a university a banknote a watch a tree an idea a cow a horse

Plural Упражнения II. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе и про читайте их: Place,

Plural Упражнения II. Напишите следующие существительные во множественном числе и про читайте их: Place, library, language, dress, fly, watch, clock, country, eye, bush, party, ray, thief, company, Negro, mass, leaf, wolf, glass, key, fox, half, life, day, play, factory, city, colony, roof, month, opportunity, journey, shelf, hero. Man, woman, tooth, foot, goose, child, mouse. Postman, son in law, editor in chief, fisherman, schoolgirl, sister in law, text book, pocket knife, passer by, statesman.

Plural Упражнения II. Проверьте: Places, libraries, languages, dresses, flies, watches, clocks, countries, eyes, bushes,

Plural Упражнения II. Проверьте: Places, libraries, languages, dresses, flies, watches, clocks, countries, eyes, bushes, parties, rays, thieves, companies, Negroes, masses, leaves, wolves, glasses, keys, foxes, halves, lives, days, plays, factories, cities, colonies, roofs, months, opportunities, journeys, shelves, heroes. Men, women, teeth, feet, geese, children, mice. Postmen, sons in law, editors in chief, fishermen, schoolgirls, sisters in law, text books, pocket knives, passers by, statesmen.

Plural Упражнения III. Напишите существительные, выделенные жирным шрифтом, во множественном числе, сделав, где необходимо,

Plural Упражнения III. Напишите существительные, выделенные жирным шрифтом, во множественном числе, сделав, где необходимо, соответствующие изменения в предложении: 1. Put the box on the shelf. 2. I have hurt my foot. 3. This is an English dictionary. 4. Where is the knife? 5. This factory has a good laboratory. 6. The last leaf fell from the tree. 7. This story is very long. 8. The speech was very interesting. 9. He left the key on the table. 10. Where is the brush? 11. I like his new play. 12. The roof of the house was covered with snow.

Plural Упражнения III. Проверьте: 1. Put the boxes on the shelves. 2. I have

Plural Упражнения III. Проверьте: 1. Put the boxes on the shelves. 2. I have hurt my feet. 3. These are English dictionaries. 4. Where are the knives? 5. These factories have good laboratories. 6. The last leaves fell from the tree. 7. These stories are very long. 8. The speeches were very interesting. 9. He left the keys on the table. 10. Where are the brushes? 11. I like his new plays. 12. The roofs of the houses were covered with snow.