Kyiv Rus Kyivskaja Rus monarchy varangian Rurik dynasty

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Kyiv Rus

Kyivskaja Rus - monarchy varangian Rurik dynasty in Eastern Europe with the capital in Kiev. Originated in the 9 th century by the Normans conquest and unification under their authority eastern, mostly Slavic tribes. In times of greatest power stretched from the Baltic Sea in the north to the Black Sea in the south, and from the headwaters of the Vistula River in the west to the Taman Peninsula on the east.

Reign of Oleg Prince Oleg (882 -912 years) for a few years as a result of numerous wars and campaigns subdued his power tribes glades Drevlyany northerners, Radimichi. In general Kyiv authorities now spread even to the Slovenes, Krivichy, Radimichi, Croats, convict, Finno-Ugric tribes, Chud, Meyrueis. Significant progress is achieved on the international arena. One of the important measures Oleg was the work to protect the country from attacks neighbors, including the Vikings. This goal serves as a tribute to the Vikings to three hundred coins for the year "Peace“.

Igor I Ruricovich First, he pacified recalcitrant Drevlyany annexed land Tivertsy and caught between the Dniester and the Danube. Double walked east: in 913, with the agreement of the Khazars proceeded to the coast of the Caspian Sea and reached Baku, destroying and pillaging everything in their path. In 943 he went to the rich Muslim Caucasus town where captured much spoil. During the reign of Igor on the borders of Kyivskaja Rus first appeared Pecheneg tribes. In 915, they signed an agreement with Kyiv and migrated to the Danube, but at 930 he violated the agreement and began attacks.

Princess Olga brutally cracked down with strangers, burning their main city sparrows. Some people were killed and others transformed into slaves. Ta massacre was lawful bloody revenge, the tradition of those times. Olga showed a deep understanding of the international situation at the time in Europe, made in 940, the important state visit in Byzantium, set her quite friendly relations resumed military alliance.

Svyatoslav I the Brave It was a brave, warlike prince of knightly temper, who spent his entire reign in wars, covering a vast territory with their campaigns in Europe and Asia. When you return to Kyiv near Dnipro rapids on scattered, weakened forces attacked Rus Pechenegs, who persuaded Byzantium, Svyatoslav and killed many of his retainers.

These two slides I wanted to say how militant was Prince Svyatoslav, perhaps because he s given prefix the brave.

Vladimir I the Great Personally, Vladimir was baptized in the year 987, the same year he married the sister of the Byzantine emperors, Anna, and in 988 held baptism residents and residents of other cities. Baptism was carried out by violent means, angered, efforts to preserve Paganism, especially in the northern states. Under Vladimir Ruska state has become one of the most powerful in Europe, Kyiv beauty, size wrestled with Constantinople

Yaroslav I the Wise Jaroslav (1019 -1054) was celebrated courage, deep public mind, versatile knowledge, tactical flexibility, love of books, for which he was nicknamed the Wise. Jaroslav rebuilt Kyiv, has greatly expanded its territory surrounded it with a rampart. Were erected magnificent buildings: the palace of the prince, Metropolitan, high dignitaries of princely environment and others.

The biggest cities of Kyivska Rus № City Population (at the beginning of the 13 th century) 1 Kyiv 50 000 - 100 000 2 Chernihiv 35 000 - 40 000 3 Galich 35 000 - 40 000 4 Novgorod 25 000 - 30 000 5 Vladimir 20 000 6 Polotsk 20 000 7 Smolensk 20 000 8 Pereyaslav 12 000 - 20 000 9 Bilgorod 12 000 10 Rostov 4 000

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