Interesting Facts 1 November All Saints Day 2
Interesting Facts: 1 November All Saints Day 2 November All Souls Day 3 November Sandwich Day – The Earl of Sandwich, John Montague, the inventor of the sandwich was born on this day in 1718.
What’s on this week? Monday 9. 15 Business Meeting Tuesday 3. 00 1. 15 Chess Club P 5 -P 7 Swimming – 7 M
What’s on this week? ? Wednesday 3. 00 3. 15 7. 00 Supa Club P 5 -P 7 Netball P 6 + P 7 Infant Hall Netball Nippers P 2 PE Hall PC Party Night – Infant Hall Thursday 12. 00 Pupil Council – GP Room 3
Message from Eco Club “During the last week of term the Eco Club met and I, Alexander from 7 E, was voted in as Chair person. I, Georgie from 4 M, was voted in as Vice-Chair. We, Jocelyn from 6 E, Heather from 5 M, Victoria from 5 E and Zara from 6 M, volunteered to be note-takers. We would like to remind everyone about our ECO CODE. We will give you a hint, it is three simple words beginning with L – T – E. Can anyone remember it? LOVE THE EARTH. L – T – E stands for three Eco Action areas which we are working on. What might L be for? Litter. What might T be for? Transport. What might E be for? Energy. LOVE THE EARTH – LITTER, TRANSPORT, ENERGY. We thought it was important to start LAW Duty again as the wind was having lots of fun with crisp packets on Friday. LAW stands for Litter Awareness Worker. This week 6 M are on LAW Duty. Please read LAW Duty Guidance before you start. Thank you”
Eco Club
Well done to Papdale Primary School Our Scholastic Book Fair has raised £ 807 in FREE BOOKS for the school!
Art Competition This will be a competition done in school and the categories are: Primary 1 – 3: Circus Primary 4 – 7: Horse
Climbing Competition
Wildlife Spotting When Mrs Gillon was at the beach, an otter swam towards her and came out of the water right beside her!
Well Done to …………. Lena, Kirsty, Jenna, Sweyn, Finley, Mark, Isla, Tuba and Amelie for progressing up a level in their swimming
Well Done to …………. Euan for competing in the Gilbertson Cup in Caithness. Unfortunately Orkney lost against Caithness with the final score at 98 – 81.
Buddy of the Week Hannah and Frankie 7 E
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