- Slides: 11


Local & Folk Cultures often have two goals: 1. keeping other cultures out. (create a boundary around itself) 2. keeping their own culture in. (avoid cultural appropriation) Opposing TV in Bhutan

Assimilation and Cultural Appropriation ■ Local cultures try to avoid being assimilated and culturally appropriated. ■ Assimilation- example: making American Indians into “Americans” rather than “Indians”. ■ When the less dominant culture adopts the traits of a more dominant culture so completely that the two culture become indistinguishable, this is referred to as cultural assimilation. ■ Cultural appropriation- process by which other cultures will adopt customs and knowledge and use them for their own benefit. (most often for wealth or prestige)

Acculturation ■ Sometimes, an immigrant wants to become part of the dominant culture, so they will selectively adopt certain customs of the dominant society. ■ Perhaps for the purposes of advancing socioeconomically. ■ They will still retain much of their native customs, practices, and beliefs.

Transculturation ■ The process of merging and converging cultures ■ Loss of the existing culture ■ Can be fought at first, but generally is accepted over time ■ Example: American culture influencing other countries – Language, dress, music, movies, etc…

Commodification How are aspects of local culture (material, non-material, place) commodified? what is commodified? who commodifies it?

Taboos ■ Behaviors heavily discouraged by a culture ■ Ex: taboos against eating certain food, such as pork or insects ■ Ex: 1800 s-earlier 1900 s- taboos in the US regarding marriages between Catholics and Protestants

Cultural Complex ■ Interrelated traits of a culture combined to make an idea to society what the culture is all about Social Status - Wealth - Age Freedom - Independence - Self-reliance Automobile Entertainment - Media - Sports Rite of Passage - “Sweet 16” - Midlife crisis

How do cultural traits diffuse? Hearth: the point of origin of a cultural trait. Contagious diffusion Hierarchical diffusion Reverse-hierarchical

How are hearths of popular culture traits established? ■ Typically begins with an idea/good and contagious diffusion. ■ Companies can create/manufacture popular culture. (ie. MTV) ■ Individuals can create/manufacture popular culture. (ie. Tony Hawk, Beyonce)

With Distance Decay, the likelihood of diffusion decreases as time and distance from the hearth increases. EX: Core to Periphery, Urban to Rural With Time-Space Compression, the likelihood of diffusion depends upon the connectedness among places. EX: Core to S. P. or Core, Urban to Urban Which applies more to popular culture?
How are local cultures sustained
Insidan region jh
Characteristics of organizational culture
Examples of mass culture
Folk vs popular culture
Firm resources and sustainable competitive advantage
How hpw contributes to employee engagement
Difference between extended release and sustained release
Diffused junction detector
Identity diffusion
Diffusion of responsibility examples
The diffused impurities with