The link between HPW and sustained organisational performance
The link between HPW and sustained organisational performance • Evans & Davis(2005) Suggests that the link is predicated on being able to implement HR practices such as training and development that help develop employee’s level of competence that can contribute to better understanding how to utilise the organisations resources. • However Evans & Davis(2005) suggestion of dynamic capability suggests that this contribution to sustained organisational performance is predicated on updating the training and development programs the organisation implements for its staff. • Evans & Davis(2005) also suggests that the ability to implement relevant HR practices such as training and development activities is predicated on understanding the context of the organisation first, to then make an informed decision on what practices are most needed to maintain organisational performance
The link between HPW and employee wellbeing • Acas [2013] suggests that the link is predicated on organisations implementing HR practices and procedures that benefit the employee such as: High Involvement Reward and Commitment - Flexible Working Staff Turnover rate (%) - Job Design % earning less than £ 12, 000 -. 121 -. 076 % earning more than £ 35, 000 0. 065 . 245 This boosts commitment and productivity • “For example, he says, providing better flexible working opportunities as part of stress management is associated with greater employee commitment. Investing in better job design to produce “good work” also produces higher engagement and a willingness to “go the extra mile” among workers” Acas [2013]
The link between HPW and competitive advantage • Gov. uk suggests that the link between HPW and competitive advantage of an organisation is predicated on the organisation maintaining market position by being innovative in new product designs. • Thompson (2007) suggests that the link is also predicated on developing social relationships within the organisation that are hard to imitate by other competitors, which is suggested to be called social complexity.
References List • Gov. uk [2013] High Performance Working in the Employer Skills Surveys [internet]. Available from: https: //www. gov. uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/303153/eviden ce-report-71 -hpw-ess. pdf [Accessed: 31 st January 2017]. • Acas [2013] Acas: Linking employee wellbeing and engagement [Internet]. Available from: http: //www. personneltoday. com/hr/acas-linking-employee-wellbeing-and-engagement/ [Accessed: 31 st January 2017] • Evans, R, W. & Davis, D, W. (2005) High-Performance Work Systems and Organizational Performance: The Mediating Role of Internal Social Structure, School of Business Administration, pp. 758 -775 • Thompson, M. (2007) Innovation in work practices: a practice perspective, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 18 (7) pp. 1298 -1377
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