AWMA Georgia Chapter Air Permitting Update April 16

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AWMA – Georgia Chapter Air Permitting Update April 16, 2013 Eric Cornwell Stationary Source

AWMA – Georgia Chapter Air Permitting Update April 16, 2013 Eric Cornwell Stationary Source Permitting Program

SSPP Structure • 4 Units - 28 permit engineers, 2 admin – Chem Unit

SSPP Structure • 4 Units - 28 permit engineers, 2 admin – Chem Unit – Glass, engineered wood – NOx Unit – Landfills, engines – VOC Unit – Wood pellets, lumber kilns – Min Unit – Military, rendering, asphalt

Permit Application Timeliness: • Pending Application Count (April 2013): – 202 permit applications –

Permit Application Timeliness: • Pending Application Count (April 2013): – 202 permit applications – 12 (non TV-renewal) apps older than six months – 500 permit apps processed in past 12 months • Processing time – Title V significant modifications…… 161 days – 502(b)10………………. …. . . 66 days – Synthetic Minor…………………. . …… 62 days

Expedited Permits • In response to Senate Bill 427 O. C. G. A 2

Expedited Permits • In response to Senate Bill 427 O. C. G. A 2 -2 -2(c)(1)(A). • Implemented no later than July 1, 2013 • Two stakeholder meetings (Oct and Dec) • http: //www. georgiaair. org/airpermit/h tml/sspp/expeditedssppmeeting. htm

Expedited Permits, Cont. • No rulemaking – Director to implement procedures. • Fee-based and

Expedited Permits, Cont. • No rulemaking – Director to implement procedures. • Fee-based and optional for applicants • Reviews done by EPD – no third party review • TV-I, TV-R, MAWO not eligible

PSD Resources • PSD Guidance for Industry – now available • Pre-processed met data

PSD Resources • PSD Guidance for Industry – now available • Pre-processed met data – now available • Background ambient concentrations – now available • Statewide NAAQS and PSD Increment inventory (aka Off-site Emissions inventory)

PSD Guidance for Industry • Provides up-front expectations for a complete PSD application –

PSD Guidance for Industry • Provides up-front expectations for a complete PSD application – BACT, Modeling, Submittals – Emphasizes early resolution of issues. • http: //www. georgiaair. org/airpermit/h tml/sspp/psd_guidance_document. ht m

Meteorological Data • GA EPD has developed 5 -years of meteorological data for each

Meteorological Data • GA EPD has developed 5 -years of meteorological data for each ASOS surface and upper air pairing – Pairing based on distance, climatological zone, and data completeness criteria – Last updated on April 4, 2013 • All data sets are available on-line – http: //www. georgiaair. org/airpermit/html/sspp/mod eling/aermetdata. htm 8

Surface/Upper Station Pairings 9

Surface/Upper Station Pairings 9

Surface Roughness Update • Previously, EPD provided data sets with three different surface roughness

Surface Roughness Update • Previously, EPD provided data sets with three different surface roughness values (0. 05, 0. 5, 1. 0) and the applicant ran AERSURFACE at the project site to find the most representative value. • Now, meteorological data is processed using the surface roughness at the airport – 12 different sectors • Applicant will provide a justification for representativeness in modeling protocol 10

Background Concentrations • GA EPD has develop background concentrations for each county based on

Background Concentrations • GA EPD has develop background concentrations for each county based on the 2009 -2011 design values – PM 10, PM 2. 5, SO 2, NO 2, CO, Pb • Will update to 2010 -2012 design values by the end of April • All data sets are available on-line 11 – http: //www. georgiaair. org/airpermit/html/sspp/mo deling. htm

Permit Modeling Guidance • Guideline for Modeling PM 10 Ambient Concentration in Areas Impacted

Permit Modeling Guidance • Guideline for Modeling PM 10 Ambient Concentration in Areas Impacted by Quarry Operation Producing Crushed Stone - August 7, 2012 – http: //www. georgiaair. org/airpermit/downlo ads/sspp/modeling/quarryguideline_august 2012. pdf 12

GHG Permitting • July 20, 2014 – Biomass deferral set to end. – GHG-major

GHG Permitting • July 20, 2014 – Biomass deferral set to end. – GHG-major sources with non-PSD permits must “begin actual construction” prior to this date; otherwise permit invalid. • US EPA has recently proposed revised “Global Warming Potential (GWP) for Part 98. 78 FR 19809, Table

Boiler MACT and GACT • Final standards published in FR Feb 2013 • SSPP

Boiler MACT and GACT • Final standards published in FR Feb 2013 • SSPP slowly rolling details into permits – Adding to already pending applications – Companies can request revisions – Conditions as specific as practical – No mass “open for cause”

Wood Pellet Emission Factors • Process – Log chipper, dryer (usually direct-contact), hammermill, pelletizer,

Wood Pellet Emission Factors • Process – Log chipper, dryer (usually direct-contact), hammermill, pelletizer, and pellet cooler. • Downstream testing showed VOC previously unaccounted for. – Plants over ~120, 000 tpy production may be PSD major without downstream controls. • Manny Patel developed default wood pellet emission factors from AP-42 and testing

EPD switching email systems – Novell to Outlook – Air Branch transition this week

EPD switching email systems – Novell to Outlook – Air Branch transition this week – Email addys to remain the same • First. last@dnr. state. ga. us • First. last@gaepd. org • First. last@gadnr. org – 10 Megabyte attachment limit