The Export Potential of Canadian Oilseed Presses to

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The Export Potential of Canadian Oilseed Presses to Nepal Alex Sanders – The University

The Export Potential of Canadian Oilseed Presses to Nepal Alex Sanders – The University of Guelph http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Flag_of_Canada http: //states-world. com/state. php/2580

Nepal: An Introduction http: //everestchallenge. org/2014/02/11/maps-nepal-everest/ • Borders with China and India • Estimated

Nepal: An Introduction http: //everestchallenge. org/2014/02/11/maps-nepal-everest/ • Borders with China and India • Estimated 2014 population of 31 million • Major religions are Hinduism and Buddhism • GNI per capita was 662. 50 USD in 2012 https: //data. un. org/Country. Profile. aspx? cr. Name=Nepal https: //www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/np. html http: //www. fao. org/ag/agp/AGPC/doc/Counprof/PDF%20 files/Nepal. pdf

Nepal: An Introduction Nepal is characterized by three ecological zones: 1)Mountain 2)Hill 3)Terai http:

Nepal: An Introduction Nepal is characterized by three ecological zones: 1)Mountain 2)Hill 3)Terai http: //www. un. org. np/node/10018 http: //www. fao. org/ag/agp/AGPC/doc/Counprof/PDF%20 files/Nepal. pdf https: //www. cia. gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/np. html

The Oilseed Press: Basic Forms Two major design layouts for oilseed presses: 1)Expeller Screw

The Oilseed Press: Basic Forms Two major design layouts for oilseed presses: 1)Expeller Screw within a horizontal cylinder 2)Ram Press Piston that forces oilseed through a cylinder http: //www. worc. org/userfiles/file/Biodiesel%20 Benefits%20 Report. pdf https: //attra. ncat. org/attra-pub/viewhtml. php? id=102 http: //pubs. iied. org/pdfs/6047 IIED. pdf http: //www. seedoilpress. com/product/oil_press/screw_oil_press. html http: //www. fao. org/docrep/x 5043 e/x 5043 E 03. htm

The Oilseed Press: Manufacturers, and Distributors Energrow Inc. – Sole Canadian manufacturer of oilseed

The Oilseed Press: Manufacturers, and Distributors Energrow Inc. – Sole Canadian manufacturer of oilseed presses http: //www. energrow. ca/products/es 3750 b Golden Green Sustainable Resources Ltd. – Distributes German-built Anton Fries presses in Nova Scotia http: //www. anton-fries. de/oilpress/en/10802/index. php Golburn Valley Oilmill Inc. – Distributes German-built Komet presses in Saskatchewan http: //oilpressequipment. com/? product=komet-screw-vegetable-oil-expellers-s-120 -f • Competition from European and Chinese manufacturers may arise. http: //oilpressequipment. com/? product=komet-screw-vegetable-oil-expellers-s-120 -f http: //www. energrow. ca/ (N. Leja, personal communication, October 2, 2014) http: //www. golden-green. ca/solutions/fries-oil-presses/

http: //www. huffingtonpost. com/2013/11/12/ vegetable-oils-heart-disease_n_4261618. html http: //www. wuway. com/tag/fats / Benefits to Nepal:

http: //www. huffingtonpost. com/2013/11/12/ vegetable-oils-heart-disease_n_4261618. html http: //www. wuway. com/tag/fats / Benefits to Nepal: Vegetable Oils Vegetable oils contain: 1) High energy densities 2) Mainly unsaturated fats 3) Significant omega-3 and omega-6 fatty -acid content • Nutrient-packed oils from presses have the potential to remedy the substantial level of undernourishment in Nepal. • They also have the potential to decrease the proportion of malnourished children under the age of five. http: //www. indiana. edu/~oso/Fat/Solid. NLiquid. html http: //www. hc-sc. gc. ca/fn-an/res-rech/res-prog/nutri/macro/research_lipids-recherche_lipides-eng. php https: //www. wfp. org/countries/nepal/overview http: //apps. who. int/nutrition/landscape/report. aspx? iso=npl

Benefits to Nepal: Vegetable Oil vs. Solid Fuels Heat of Combustion - Vegetable Oil:

Benefits to Nepal: Vegetable Oil vs. Solid Fuels Heat of Combustion - Vegetable Oil: 40 k. J/g - Firewood: 20 k. J/g • Fumes given off by burning solid fuels indoors have negative health effects. • 64 % and 10 % of households in Nepal rely on wood and dung respectively as cooking fuels. • Vegetable oil from presses is superior to these fuels. http: //books. google. ca/books? id=Bg. PVh 9 ksy 3 c. C&pg=PA 91&lpg=PA 91&dq=Gunstone+enthalpy+of+combustion+vegetable+oil&source=b l&ots=SNyaeaw. JEf&sig=XQm 4 k 7 pjkbo. JPSe 7 -XQ 9 vzx. E 3 Pg&hl=en&sa=X&ei=Drs 0 VPa 8 DNP 3 y. QTUo 4 http: //www. aebiom. org/IMG/pdf/WOOD_FUELS_HANDBOOK_BTC_EN. pdf http: //ehs. sph. berkeley. edu/krsmith/publications/2005%20 pubs/Household%20 Fuels%20 Ill%20 health%20(complete%20 for%20 web). pdf http: //cbs. gov. np/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/National%20 Report. pdf http: //www. innoaid. org/projects/healthy-rural-kitchen-environments/

Benefits to Nepal: Agriculture Specific Benefits http: //travelospective. blogspot. ca/2011/07/sy mphony-of-jungle-chitwan-nepal. html • Meal,

Benefits to Nepal: Agriculture Specific Benefits http: //travelospective. blogspot. ca/2011/07/sy mphony-of-jungle-chitwan-nepal. html • Meal, such as the soybean meal on the right, is a nutrient-rich feed supplement for livestock. • Effectively mitigate poor livestock nutrition and productivity that plagues Nepalese farmers. • Incorporating more oilseed crops into rotations will increase agrobiodiversity and soil health. • Limit soil degradation on Nepalese farms http: //www. worc. org/userfiles/file/Biodiesel%20 Benefits%20 Report. pdf http: //www. fao. org/ag/agp/AGPC/doc/Counprof/PDF%20 files/Nepal. pdf http: //www. doanepal. gov. np/downloadfile/Statusand. Future. Prospectsof. Pulsesin. Nepal_1320835908. pdf http: //www. sciencedirect. com/science/article/pii/S 0167880999000286 http: //www. greenfield-group. co. uk/products/protein-meals/salesoybean-meal-high-protein-argentina-india-containers-bulk. html http: //sunoptafoodsbulgaria. com/produ cts/organic-sunflower-oil-crude-refined/ http: //narc. gov. np/publicaton/pdf/newsletter/Vol%2010%20 No%203. pdf

Benefits to Canada • Four direct jobs at Energrow Incorporated in Listowel, Ontario •

Benefits to Canada • Four direct jobs at Energrow Incorporated in Listowel, Ontario • Supplementary manufacturing, machining, and distribution jobs • Increased choice of domesticallymanufactured oilseed presses for Canada’s own farmers as well as other individuals • Increased collaboration between Nepal and Canada http: //www. energrow. ca/ (N. Leja, personal communication, October 2, 2014)

Conclusion • Oilseed presses have great potential in Nepal. • Models available in Canada

Conclusion • Oilseed presses have great potential in Nepal. • Models available in Canada are too complex and too expensive though. • Simple, inexpensive designs are required for a greater effect to be seen. http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Flag_of_Canada http: //states-world. com/state. php/2580

Further Reading http: //www. fao. org/ag/agp/AGPC/doc/Counprof/PDF%20 files/Nepal. pdf - “Country Forage/Pasture Resource Profiles Nepal”

Further Reading http: //www. fao. org/ag/agp/AGPC/doc/Counprof/PDF%20 files/Nepal. pdf - “Country Forage/Pasture Resource Profiles Nepal” https: //attra. ncat. org/attra-pub/viewhtml. php? id=102 – National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service: “Oilseed Processing for Small. Scale Producers” http: //vimeo. com/53126100 – Effect of African Regional Oils Project on Tanzania and surrounding nations http: //www. fao. org/docrep/003/x 6906 e 09. htm - “Crop Diversification in Nepal” http: //www. doanepal. gov. np/downloadfile/Statusand. Future. Prospectsof. Pulsesin. Nepal_1320835908. pdf - “Status and Future Prospects of Pulses in Nepal” http: //www. worc. org/userfiles/file/Biodiesel%20 Benefits%20 Report. pdf – Nutritional qualities of oilseed meal for cattle producers http: //cbs. gov. np/? cat=7 – Government of Nepal Central Bureau of Statistics: Nepalese population and agriculture statistics http: //faostat. fao. org/site/342/default. aspx - Prevalence of soy and soy products as imports into Nepal; top agricultural imports and exports http: //faostat 3. fao. org/home/E Agriculture statistics of Nepal http: //www. energrow. ca/ - Energrow Incorporated homepage

Alex Sanders - asande 04@mail. uoguelph. ca University of Guelph in Partnership with IDRC,

Alex Sanders - asande 04@mail. uoguelph. ca University of Guelph in Partnership with IDRC, CIFSRF, and DFAIT Faculty Sponsor: Professor Raizada - raizada@uoguelph. ca 5 minutes 0 seconds Thank you to the staff of Energrow Incorporated for providing information about their company and products. For further information, a detailed written evaluation of this export idea is posted on http: //agtradenepalcan. weebly. com/