Text Annotations What are annotations Annotations are a

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Text Annotations

Text Annotations

What are annotations? Annotations are a way for you to communicate with the text

What are annotations? Annotations are a way for you to communicate with the text you are reading. They are brief but meaningful marks and comments on your text. They help you comprehend what you are reading. They let you summarize a text for later reference.

How do I annotate a text? Ask yourself questions • What is this article

How do I annotate a text? Ask yourself questions • What is this article about? What it the central idea? • What position does the author take on a topic? • Is the article right? • • • Does the reasoning make sense? Why does it matter? How does it relate to me? Find the answers • Highlight/Write the main idea down. • Underline any quotes that support the main idea—write a note in the margin how the quote supports the main idea • Underline and note any passages that show the author’s opinion • Write your opinions and questions • • • Respond to the text like you are talking to it Mark your confusion Write whether you agree or disagree

Other useful annotations • • Vocabulary words—circle words you don’t know Important people—circle their

Other useful annotations • • Vocabulary words—circle words you don’t know Important people—circle their names Surprising facts—mark with a “!” Summarize each section with one sentence in the margin.

The reader highlights the main idea. They summarize in the margin. They underline a

The reader highlights the main idea. They summarize in the margin. They underline a statement that supports the main idea. They comment with their own thought. One example of annotations

Today’s Article: What do Americans value? What is the main idea? --How does the

Today’s Article: What do Americans value? What is the main idea? --How does the author support the main idea? How does this reflect an American value? Is this something that we should value? What are possible effects, positive or negative?