Recycler Report Nov 20 2009 Cooling and Shooting

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Recycler Report Nov 20, 2009

Recycler Report Nov 20, 2009

Cooling and Shooting for Tev stores Shot for Store # Ave. Lum. (E 30)

Cooling and Shooting for Tev stores Shot for Store # Ave. Lum. (E 30) Stash size (E 10) Left over beam (E 10) Mining Effici. (%) Premined Long. Emitt. (e. Vs) Shocttky Emiit. (H/V) pi-mm-mrad) FW Emitt. (H) (pi-mmmrad) 7370. 0* 269. 148 430. 58 82. 731 0. 808 69. 816 4. 574/4. 688 2. 095 7365. 0 269. 461 368. 72 16. 436 0. 955 72. 141 3. 904/3. 79 1. 874 7364. 0* 268. 14 462. 302 91. 244 0. 803 62. 487 4. 383/4. 791 2. 512 7353. 0 253. 656 384. 0 19. 668 0. 949 69. 734 3. 409/3. 581 2. 079 7352. 0* 261. 847 454. 438 91. 966 0. 798 65. 113 4. 238/4. 714 3. 126 7349. 0* 266. 69 458. 388 89. 272 0. 805 67. 852 3. 986/4. 205 2. 557 7346. 0 272. 854 346. 017 20. 990 0. 939 67. 065 3. 917/4. 207 3. 011 7342. 0 225. 622 296. 155 15. 079 0. 949 68. 803 4. 107/4. 548 2. 929 *Partial Mining • Longitudinal emittance as measured by R: LEMITA should be between 60 and 70 e. V-sec. • Average transverse Schottky emittance as measured by R: AVEMIT should be below 5. 0 πmm-mrad.

Pelletron Charging Eff

Pelletron Charging Eff

IG 313

IG 313

Et Cetera • Pelletron access postponed • Mechanical wants 8 hours to leak check

Et Cetera • Pelletron access postponed • Mechanical wants 8 hours to leak check IG 313 – Recycler life time is worsening • Kicker voltages implemented • Updated tune program • “Mode 6” studies – 30 usec interruption every 15 Hz tick – Indications are improved cooling.