Quake Sim Quarterly Update Marlon Pierce Geoffrey Fox

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Quake. Sim Quarterly Update Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox

Quake. Sim Quarterly Update Marlon Pierce, Geoffrey Fox

Fault DB Query Bugs Fixed • Fault DB correctly queried to get – Faults

Fault DB Query Bugs Fixed • Fault DB correctly queried to get – Faults with one segment (ie segment name is null). – Same fault + segment from different references. – Geo. FEST, Disloc, and Simplex portlets all updated. – Accompanied by some code reorganization that I needed to do anyway. • But note this is still using an older version of the DB (? ). • And of course we want to push a lot of this into the DB web service.

Daily and Real. Time RDAHMM • Miscellaneous bug fixes to Daily. RDAHMM – This

Daily and Real. Time RDAHMM • Miscellaneous bug fixes to Daily. RDAHMM – This should be ready for users – Need to discuss. • • Movie generation service for Daily. RDAHMM is in development. Realtime RDAHMM being updated – Previous version was just running RDAHMM on 10 minutes of data with no training. Just to show it could be done. – Now using trained rdahmm workers. • Using 2 days worth of data for training. – Data collected analyzed in 30 minute segments. • This is proof of concept for the infrastructure. – Need to know the real workflow: how long to train, how often to update, etc. – Training is computationally demanding, so frequent updates to the training sets will require more computing. – We can solve this with the TG using services that already exists (variants of the Geo. FEST service). – May also need some filtering (ST_filter) of raw results.

Geo. FEST Related Stuff • Serial Geo. FEST and mesh generator are still Grid

Geo. FEST Related Stuff • Serial Geo. FEST and mesh generator are still Grid enabled. • Parallel Geo. FEST services and portlet will need some modifications, as the input file format has been extended. – New version of the code is available (? ) • Running parallel Geo. FEST as a service. – We have the BLAHP PBS plugin for Condor-G installed and are testing it on local PBS systems. • Will allow the existing Geo. FEST service to work without Globus, since BLAHP talks directly to PBS. – I have an account at Ames and an RSA card. – Need some advice on how the service will fit into Ames’s security model. • We also played with running parallel Geo. FEST on a “cloud” system of virtual machines. – Worked but performance was weird. – Geo. FEST is probably not a good candidate for a virtual appliance, but other codes (RDAHMM, Disloc, Simplex, …) are.

Disloc and Simplex • These had updated user interfaces from the last Quarterly meeting

Disloc and Simplex • These had updated user interfaces from the last Quarterly meeting that still need to be reviewed. • Disloc: allows you to do the “scatter point” as well as the rectangular grid version. • Simplex: Can import GPS velocities from the Scripps GRWS.

Some Next Steps • [Assumes nothing went horribly wrong in the previous slides] •

Some Next Steps • [Assumes nothing went horribly wrong in the previous slides] • Geo. FEST services on Columbia, Cosmos – What is happening to Cosmos? – I’d still like to get parallel Geo. FEST on some Tera. Grid machines • Complete realtime rdahmm in some meaningful fashion. • Make a plan for Daily RDAHMM usage. • Move portal off gf 7. – Too old and slow. – IU has web server hosting now thanks to Open. VZ. • Virtual California?