Project Name Milestone Summary Report Milestone x Milestone

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<Project Name> Milestone Summary Report Milestone <x>: <Milestone Title> Prepared by: <Name> 12/11/2021 Confidential

<Project Name> Milestone Summary Report Milestone <x>: <Milestone Title> Prepared by: <Name> 12/11/2021 Confidential 1

Introduction • Purpose of this presentation – Objective: • <Replace this text with a

Introduction • Purpose of this presentation – Objective: • <Replace this text with a statement of this goal. > – Outcome: • <Replace this text with a statement of the strategic decision made to determine whether project may move forward with next milestone activities. > 12/11/2021 Confidential 2

Agenda • • • Project Overview Milestone Deliverables Review Outstanding Risks and Issues Scope,

Agenda • • • Project Overview Milestone Deliverables Review Outstanding Risks and Issues Scope, Budget, Schedule Review Milestone Acceptance Review Next Milestone Steps 12/11/2021 Confidential 3

Project Overview • Project description – <Replace this text with a list of high-level

Project Overview • Project description – <Replace this text with a list of high-level project goals, project relation to corporate goals, and timeline. > • Short project status update – <Replace this text with short status update. > • Project team introduction and commendations 12/11/2021 Confidential 4

Milestone Deliverables Review • <Replace this text with a Milestone Description. > • <Replace

Milestone Deliverables Review • <Replace this text with a Milestone Description. > • <Replace this text with Milestone Challenges and Successes. > • Milestone Deliverables – <Deliverable 1: Description and importance to project. > – <Deliverable 2: Description and importance to project. > – <Deliverable 3: Description and importance to project. > 11 December 2021 Confidential 5

Outstanding Risks and Issues • Project Risks – This Milestone • <Risk 1 that

Outstanding Risks and Issues • Project Risks – This Milestone • <Risk 1 that was resolved. > • <Risk 2 that was resolved. > – Next Milestone • <Risk 1 that impacts next milestone. > • <Risk 2 that impacts next milestone. > • Project Issues – This Milestone • <Issue 1 that was resolved. > • <Issue 2 that was resolved. > – Next Milestone • <Issue 1 that impacts next milestone. > • <Issue 2 that impacts next milestone. > 12/11/2021 Confidential 6

Project Scope / Budget / Schedule Budget Cost <Scope changes from last milestone review.

Project Scope / Budget / Schedule Budget Cost <Scope changes from last milestone review. > • <Actual vs. Baseline Variance. > • <Cost overrun explanations. > Project Status Scope Mgmt. 12/11/2021 • <Actual vs. Baseline Variance. > • <Project file link for more info. > Schedule Confidential 7

Milestone Acceptance Review • Customer Acceptance – Customer acceptance on current project milestone status.

Milestone Acceptance Review • Customer Acceptance – Customer acceptance on current project milestone status. • Identify customer concerns, changes. • Steering Committee Acceptance – Steering Committee acceptance on current project milestone status. • Identify management strategy concerns such as scope, budget, and schedule. • Project Team Acceptance – Project Team acceptance on current project milestone status. • Identify resource issues, task assignment issues. 12/11/2021 Confidential 8

Next Milestone Steps • Confirm open issues for audience. • Confirm milestone acceptance. –

Next Milestone Steps • Confirm open issues for audience. • Confirm milestone acceptance. – Obtain approval to move forward with project plans. • Next Milestone – Provide high-level discussion of next milestone. – Define date for next milestone review. – Confirm audience acceptance of next milestone plans. 12/11/2021 Confidential 9