My song is love unknown my Saviors love

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My song is love unknown, my Savior’s love to me, 我要唱的是沒聽說過的愛, 救主對我的愛, Love to

My song is love unknown, my Savior’s love to me, 我要唱的是沒聽說過的愛, 救主對我的愛, Love to the loveless shown, that they might lovely be. 愛那缺少愛的, 使他成為愛. Oh who am I, that for my sake my Lord should take frail flesh and die? 喔!我是誰, 我主竟為我捐軀受死? (1) My Song Is Love Unknown我要唱的是沒聽說過的愛

Sometimes they strew His way, and His sweet praises sing, 有時他們為祂撒花鋪路, 為祂高唱讚美詩, resounding all

Sometimes they strew His way, and His sweet praises sing, 有時他們為祂撒花鋪路, 為祂高唱讚美詩, resounding all the day Hosannas to their King, 終日“和散那”讚美他們的王. Then “Crucify!” is all their breath and for His death they thirst and cry. 但“釘祂十字架”都是他們哭喊的渴望. Why, what hath my Lord done to cause this rage and spite, 為什麼? 我主作了什麼? 引起這樣的忿怒和怨恨? (2) My Song Is Love Unknown我要唱的是沒聽說過的愛

He made the lame to walk, He gave the blind their sight, 祂使瘸腿的行走, 瞎眼的看見.

He made the lame to walk, He gave the blind their sight, 祂使瘸腿的行走, 瞎眼的看見. What injuries, yet these are why the Lord most high so cruelly dies. 何等傷痛, 我主如此慘死! Here might I stay and sing, no story so divine; 容我停留歌唱沒有比這更神聖的故事. Never was love, dear King, never was grief like Thine, 親愛的主啊!沒人像祢如此愛人為他們傷痛. (2) My Song Is Love Unknown我要唱的是沒聽說過的愛

This is my friend, in whose sweet praise I all my days will gladly

This is my friend, in whose sweet praise I all my days will gladly spend. 這是我的好友, 我要終生讚美! My song is love unknown. Love unknown. 我要唱的是沒聽說過的愛, 沒聽說過的愛. (4) My Song Is Love Unknown我要唱的是沒聽說過的愛