Introduction to OPVL Opener What is some important

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Introduction to OPVL

Introduction to OPVL

Opener �What is some important information to consider when you are evaluating how useful

Opener �What is some important information to consider when you are evaluating how useful a source is? Think about a research paper.

OPVL • O- Origin What type of source is it? • P- Purpose Why

OPVL • O- Origin What type of source is it? • P- Purpose Why was this source written? • V- Value What is helpful about this source in terms of how it could contribute to my reading/research/project? • L- Limitation What are some weaknesses of this source?

 • Where did the source come from? • Who did it come from?

• Where did the source come from? • Who did it come from? • When did it originate?

What is the origin of…? “SOME writers have so confounded society with government, as

What is the origin of…? “SOME writers have so confounded society with government, as to leave little or no distinction between them; whereas they are not only different, but have different origins. Society is produced by our wants, and government by our wickedness; the former promotes our happiness POSITIVELY by uniting our affections, the latter NEGATIVELY by restraining our vices. The one encourages intercourse, the other creates distinctions. The first is a patron, the last a punisher. ” Thomas Paine, Common Sense, 1776

 • Why was this source written/produced or created? Examples: • to keep personal

• Why was this source written/produced or created? Examples: • to keep personal memories • to offer an eyewitness account • to educate colleagues, students and the public • to educate and to entertain • offers an emotionless picture of the facts

What is the purpose of…?

What is the purpose of…?

 • What does this source ADD to your understanding of the event/person/time? •

• What does this source ADD to your understanding of the event/person/time? • Or…what did you learn? Examples: • eyewitness account • offers a quick overview • many years of research is evident • offers at least one person’s perspective

What is the value of…? � Excerpt from Herald-Leader article, “More students, more headaches:

What is the value of…? � Excerpt from Herald-Leader article, “More students, more headaches: Fayette schools cope with growth”, by Jim Warren Sept. 25, 2011 "I think it shows the strength of our community and our school system that people want to be here and want their children in the system, " [Fayette Co. Superintendant Tom Shelton] said. "We have some school districts that are facing declining enrollment and having to close schools. "

 • Despite the value, what problems might there be that would cause this

• Despite the value, what problems might there be that would cause this source to not be as valuable? • Is there bias? • Does it provide an incomplete picture? Examples: • Only one person’s viewpoint • NOT an eyewitness account • NOT an expert on every topic • exaggeration of material for comic effect • may not be the real views of the speaker (ulterior motive)

What is the limitation of…? �Clip from Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update �Limitation in

What is the limitation of…? �Clip from Saturday Night Live’s Weekend Update �Limitation in terms of understanding this new product.

“Voter Turnout Reaches All-Time Low Of 17” �The Onion, November 7, 2006 | ISSUE

“Voter Turnout Reaches All-Time Low Of 17” �The Onion, November 7, 2006 | ISSUE 42 • 45 �NEW YORK—Poll data indicates the 2006 mid-term elections were marked by the lowest turnout ever, with only 17 total votes cast. "Some 24 percent of those who showed up were registered Independents between the ages of 39, 54, 71, and 73, while, surprisingly, less than six percent appeared to be soccer moms driving a green 2000 Plymouth Voyager, " said Harrison Cullers of the Advance Logistics Research Group. "This really shows how much impact a get-out-the-vote campaign that averages $2. 5 million per voter can have on the important Milwaukeeresident-Dave-Anderson demographic. " Critics say the low voter turnout was only exacerbated by problems with Diebold electronic voting machines, citing one Ohio district in which a local Democrat received negative 12 votes.

Baltimore Sun Runaway Slave Ad dated 17 Sept 1852

Baltimore Sun Runaway Slave Ad dated 17 Sept 1852

Example Sources �O’Reilly/Olberman �Newspaper articles – point/counterpoint �Magazine article – The Onion

Example Sources �O’Reilly/Olberman �Newspaper articles – point/counterpoint �Magazine article – The Onion