Informal and Formal Reading Assessment STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES
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Informal and Formal Reading Assessment STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES
Why Should Parents Look at Assessments? Ø Reading Assessments provide feedback. Ø Goals can be set to improve performance. Ø Goals can be set to challenge students. Ø Specific skills can be addressed. Ø Assessments provide an understanding of your child’s performance. Ø Formal assessments provide an individual numerical score compared to others within the state and /or nationwide.
Reading Assessments Formal Informal Ø Informal Reading Inventory ( IRI) Ø Informal Word Inventory ( WRI) Ø Running Records Ø Authentic Assessments Ø Kidwatching Ø Ø Norm-Referenced Tests Standardized Tests Criterion-Referenced Tests At this time we use FAIR (Florida Assessments for Instruction in Reading). This a computer-based assessment which replaced the previously used assessment DIBEL used for Reading First. Ø Portfolios http: //www. fotosearch. com/photos-images/bubbletest. html http: //www. fotosearch. com/photos-images/bubble-test. html
Why Informal Assessment ? Ø Diagnostic assessments such as an informal reading inventory provides a starting point for instruction designed specifically for your child. Ø Differentiated instruction is based off of your child's strengths and weaknesses according to an array of informal assessments. Ø Further ongoing informal assessments such as teacher observations will show the big picture.
Informal Assessment Weakness Ø Screening Assessments examine just enough to identify those who need extra help. Ø Diagnostic tests cover many areas and may be hard to interpret. Ø You will not receive a “test report comparison to other students at their grade level” (Gillet, Temple & Crawford, 2008. p. 11). Ø There are numerous informal assessments. Ø Choosing and administering assessments may be subjective.
Informal Assessment Strengths Ø Screening Assessments show those who need help and are economical. Ø Diagnostic Assessments show specific needs of students. Ø Individual Diagnostic Instruments test specific skills. Ø Informal Reading Inventory, are more comprehensive and test many areas Authentic Assessments and Kidwatching show the big picture.
Why Formal Assessments ? Ø Standards-Bases Tests are required by the federal No Child Left Behind law ( FAIR) Ø Standardized tests such as Florida’s Comprehensive Assessment Test ( FCAT) shows growth of a whole grade level and school. Ø Outcomes-Based Assessments hold teachers and schools accountable for standards based learning. Ø “Standards-based tests are meant to assess each student’s performance on the standards set by the state” (Gillet, Temple & Crawford, 2008. Page 12).
FAIR There are four types of assessments in FAIR for k-2: Ø The Broad Screen/Progress Monitoring Tool given to all students in 3 -5 min. Ø The Broad Diagnostic Inventory, which includes comprehension and vocabulary tasks Ø The Targeted Diagnostic Inventory Ø Ongoing Progress Monitoring Broad Screen/Progress Monitoring
Formal Assessment Weakness “Formal reading tests do not reflect the reading process” (Gillet, Temple & Crawford, 2008. Page 146). Formal reading tests do not always provide students with Ø Prior knowledge Ø Interests Ø Motivation Ø Purpose for reading a passage Ø Strategies to construct meaning
Formal Assessment Weakness Ø Reading is not assessed in an authentic way. Ø Reading selections are short passages and comprehension is assessed by multiple choice questions. Ø Reading is timed Ø Formal reading tests do not match goals of instruction Ø Students are asked to recognize information not produce information.
Formal Assessment Strengths Ø Formal tests show mastery over certain information and operations. Ø They show numerical results that are easy to interpret and compare. Ø Formal testing are administered as a group and by a team. Ø All students receive the same instructions, examples, time limits. Ø Numerical scores are not subjective. Ø Formal tests are reliable and valid.
Assessments Working Together Informal Formal Ultimate Goal • Teachers can provide differentiated instruction through screening, diagnostic testing, and other informal testing. Students must be monitored throughout the year to determine the best course of action for each child. • Students are monitored to show students progress 3 -4 times per year with formal assessments set by your school. Results from each assessments are discussed by a panel of professionals to determine future instruction per child before the last assessment takes place for the year. • Based on the outcomes-based assessments, a determination will be made if past assessments provided students with enough skills to master state standards required per grade level. Outcomes-based assessments will determine : Student Mastery and School Accountability.
What do to What can Can I Do To help Help my My child Child? ? Ø Conference with your child’s teacher. Ø Ask about assessments both informal and formal tests. Ø Work with your child on specific skills needed. Ø Be involved with your child’s education. Ø Children need to know you care and they also depend on you to build self-confidence, responsibility, and good study habits. Ø Children learn through modeling and you are their first teacher.
Review What Can I Do To Help My Child? Ø Students are tested using both formal and informal assessments. Ø Both types of assessments have strengths and weaknesses. Ø There are pros and cons to both assessments. Ø Data provides a guide as to what your child needs to work on.
References Fotosearch. (2012). Bubble test stock photos and images. Retrieved fromhttp: //www. fotosearch. com/photosimages/bubble-test. html. Gillet, J. Temple, C. & Crawford, A. ( 2008). Understanding reading problems: Assessment and instruction. Boston, MA: Allyn Bacon by Pearons Inc.
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