History Of American Oil Lamps MeSeadia Springer When

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History Of American Oil Lamps Me’Seadia Springer

History Of American Oil Lamps Me’Seadia Springer

When It Originated • American oil lamps were originated thousand of years ago it

When It Originated • American oil lamps were originated thousand of years ago it is still used to this day just not as common • Oil Lamps are a form of lightning , They were an alternative candle before electric lights where invented. • Oil Lamps where very popular in the 20 th century until such areas were electrified.

 • During 1600 s oil lamps started to become a major fuel for

• During 1600 s oil lamps started to become a major fuel for lighthouses in Europe. Even though tallows and wax lamps where still being used oil lamps where the most popular thing out.

 • Starting in 1780 the Argand lamp quickly replaced other oil lamps still

• Starting in 1780 the Argand lamp quickly replaced other oil lamps still in their basic ancient form. These were, in turn, replaced by the kerosene lamp in about 1850. • As new found light sources that was cheaper to use started to get discovered the oil lamp was starting not to be used as much.

 • To make an American oil lamp is easier and cheaper during these

• To make an American oil lamp is easier and cheaper during these times then to use electricity and its not that hard to make. • Oil Lamps were being used back in the 1600 s and its still being used until this day just not as much as it was back then.

Back in the 1600 s the American oil lamp was very popular and used

Back in the 1600 s the American oil lamp was very popular and used by almost everyone They would hand make them for there family's to use so they could see and it helped them survive until electricity was discovered and it stopped being used as much.

 • Once electricity was discovered the oil lamps started to go out of

• Once electricity was discovered the oil lamps started to go out of population as much as it was before electricity was discovered people stopped using the American oil lamps as much as they used to but the oil lamps have been around for thousands of years and very useful.

Opinion Page • My Opinion is that American oil lamps are better to used

Opinion Page • My Opinion is that American oil lamps are better to used than electricity because it saves money and its easier to use also it doesn't effect the earth harshly as much as electricity does I think everyone should start back using American oil lamps so it could help the earth and it also is easier and cheaper to use.