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A. R. SET UP • The books will be arranged based on their A.

A. R. SET UP • The books will be arranged based on their A. R. levels numbers. Some, not all, of the A. R. books have red dots on them. The A. R. levels are as follows: A. R. Color Code Grade Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7

FIRST THINGS FIRST • The A. R. Kickoff Week will be held the week

FIRST THINGS FIRST • The A. R. Kickoff Week will be held the week of October 3 rd. Students are able to start taking A. R. quizzes now. • Start having discussions with your class about selecting two books. One for personal interest and the other one having to be an AR book on their Lexile level.

A. R. INCENTIVES • Every Friday, I will shout several students on the morning

A. R. INCENTIVES • Every Friday, I will shout several students on the morning announcements for recognition. AR Cut-Off Dates Accelerated Reader Days October 21 October 27 November 18 December 16 January 12 February 3 February 9 March 3 March 9 March 31 April 13

INCENTIVES AR Levels 1 st & 2 nd 3 rd-5 th Level 1 -

INCENTIVES AR Levels 1 st & 2 nd 3 rd-5 th Level 1 - Olympic Torch Name on Reading Wall of Fame Popsicles on AR Day 10 points 15 points Level 2 - Olympic Rings Name on Reading Wall of Fame Popcorn on AR Day 25 points 35 points Level 3 - Bronze Medal Name on Reading Wall of Fame Certificate Chips on AR Day 50 points 70 points Level 4 - Silver Medal Photo on Reading Wall of Fame Certificate Donuts on AR Day 80 points 115 points Level 5 - Gold Medal Name on Reading Wall of Fame Certificate Pizza on AR Day 125 points 175 points Diamond Level. Olympic Word Record Photo on Reading Wall of Fame Certificate and Trophy Letter from Principal Catered lunch on AR Day 125 points (plus 10 books) 175 (plus 10 books)

ADDITONAL INCENTIVES • Level Prizes will be awarded during scheduled library time or school

ADDITONAL INCENTIVES • Level Prizes will be awarded during scheduled library time or school assemblies. We will also be recognizing three AR Olympic Classrooms of the Month (1 st, 2/3 rd and 4/5 th). The AR Olympic Classroom of the Month will be awarded a trophy to keep in their class all month long. Classrooms of the Month will be chosen using a combination of the following data: total classroom AR points.

TRACK PROGRESS AR Levels 1 st & 2 nd 3 rd-5 th Level 1

TRACK PROGRESS AR Levels 1 st & 2 nd 3 rd-5 th Level 1 - Olympic Torch 10 points 15 points Level 2 - Olympic Rings 25 points 35 points Level 3 - Bronze Medal 50 points 70 points Level 4 - Silver Medal 80 points 115 points Level 5 - Gold Medal 125 points 175 points Diamond Level. Olympic Word Record 125 points (plus 10 books) 175 (plus 10 books)