English Across the Curriculum EAC Strategy Grades R12

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English Across the Curriculum (EAC) Strategy Grades R-12 EAC Strategy in relation to other

English Across the Curriculum (EAC) Strategy Grades R-12 EAC Strategy in relation to other language strategies Orientation 2014

Presentation Outline EAC Strategy in relation to other language strategies • One of the

Presentation Outline EAC Strategy in relation to other language strategies • One of the strategies • The important role of English in learning • Every teacher is a language teacher • Complementary: o. Aspects in EAC applicable to all language strategies o. EAC and IIAL o. EAC and Home languages


EAC IN RELATION TO OTHER LANGUAGE STRATEGIES EAC Strategy as one of the language strategies • It is an intervention strategy. • It is a strategy developed to assist learners who face barriers to learning as they offer content subjects through the medium of English that is not their own. • It is based on the premise that o. Every teacher is a language teacher; and o. The basic language skills such as listening and speaking, reading and viewing, writing and presenting that are taught in language classrooms should also be taught in content subjects • Lo. LT can be changed from being a barrier to a carrier of knowledge through the EAC Strategy

EAC IN RELATION TO OTHER LANGUAGE STRATEGIES Important role of language in learning •

EAC IN RELATION TO OTHER LANGUAGE STRATEGIES Important role of language in learning • English FAL is one of the crucial instruments in learning • The four language skills are central to learning and teaching in content subjects • If a learner is not appropriately skilled in English i. e. his/her language of learning and teaching, it could then be experienced as one of the barriers in the process of learning. • Language - a tool for conceptualizing content and knowledge, and - expressing oneself accordingly in a rational, “academic” style, based on subject-specific conventions and registers. • One needs to understand the language before one can decode the science in the knowledge presented • Specialised language, technical vocabulary, text types and illustrations need to be unlocked for acquisition to be enhanced.

EAC IN RELATION TO OTHER LANGUAGE STRATEGIES Every teacher is a language teacher!! •

EAC IN RELATION TO OTHER LANGUAGE STRATEGIES Every teacher is a language teacher!! • Why o Content subjects are taught in English o English is the language of assessment o ‘therefore’, harmony between Lo. LT and language of assessment equals enhanced performance • “Asking a teacher to become a reading teacher is distinctly different from asking a teacher to help learners master texts within the teacher’s own subject. In fact, content subject teachers are best qualified to help their learners master texts in each subject. They should not be expected to teach basic reading skills, but they can help learners develop critical strategies and skills for reading texts in each subject. ” • Implications for the content subject teacher o Engages learners in English as Lo. LT - the language in which learners are being assessed o Important for all subject teachers is to understand how language is used in their subjects in order to mediate knowledge.

EAC IN RELATION TO OTHER LANGUAGE STRATEGIES EAC Strategy complements all language strategies •

EAC IN RELATION TO OTHER LANGUAGE STRATEGIES EAC Strategy complements all language strategies • Aspects in EAC applicable to all strategies o. Improvement of the teaching of English as subject on English First Additional Language level o. Improvement of the teaching of English as Lo. LT - not only by the English/language teacher, but by all teachers while disseminating knowledge. • Incremental Introduction of African Languages (IIAL) • Strategy to strengthen the teaching and learning of Home Language o. The language skills learnt from home languages are also employed to support the teaching and learning of English FAL and in content subjects


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