Debate Review Ms Deema Debate Terms Debate a
Debate Review Ms. Deema
Debate Terms • Debate: a competition in which two opposing teams make speeches to support their argument and disagree with those of the other team. • Resolution: the opinion about which the two teams argue. • Affirmative team: agrees with the resolution
• Negative team: disagrees with the resolution. • Rebuttal: explains why one team disagrees with the other team. • Judges/ adjudicator: decide the winner.
Giving Support for your Reasons You can support your opinion through: • Example • Common Sense • Expert Opinion • Statistics
Process of the Debate 1. 1 st Affirmative speaker: greets the audience, opponents, and judge. Then Introduces the topic and states the affirmative team’s 1 st argument, and present evidence. (2 min)
Process of the Debate 2. 1 st Negative Speaker: greets the audience, opponents, and judge. Then states the negative team’s 1 st argument, and present evidence. (2 min)
Process of the Debate 3. 2 nd Affirmative speaker: states their second argument. (1 min) 4. 2 nd Negative Speaker: states their second argument. (1 min) One minute Break to prepare for the Rebuttal.
Rebuttal • Decides where your arguments look weakest and which you can bolster with logic and evidence. • Remain cool and silent during the other teams rebuttal or you’ll lose points.
How To Rebuttal 1. “They say…” and state the argument. 2. “But I disagree…” or “That may be true, but…” state your opposing opinion. 3. “Because…” give reason 4. “Therefore…” conclusion.
Ending the Debate • The last speaker thanks the audience and judge. • Both teams rise and shake hands, and make a brief positive comment.
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