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●WHAT ARE CONNECTORS? Connectors are CONJUNCTIONS, used to link sentences. There are different TYPES

●WHAT ARE CONNECTORS? Connectors are CONJUNCTIONS, used to link sentences. There are different TYPES of connectors, which express different values: Reason; Purpose; Contrast ….

● CONNECTORS OF CONTRAST These are used to express a contrast between the two

● CONNECTORS OF CONTRAST These are used to express a contrast between the two clauses linked. This value is expressed thanks to some conjunctions, like: Although (embora); Though( apesar de tudo); In spite of (apesar de); Despite (apesar de)

● ALTHOUGH This connector can be used, either at the BEGINNING of sentences, or

● ALTHOUGH This connector can be used, either at the BEGINNING of sentences, or in the middle and, in both cases, it must be followed by a clause (that is by a SUBJECT, VERB and COMPLEMENTS) Eg: Robots have improved our life quality, but they can´t replace man. Although robots have improved our life quality, they can´t replace man.

● THOUGH The meaning of this connector is the same as “although”. Yet, “though”

● THOUGH The meaning of this connector is the same as “although”. Yet, “though” can only be used AT THE END of sentences. Eg: Technologies have made our life easier, yet they can be very addictive. Technologies have made our life easier, they can be very addictive though.

● IN SPITE OF This connector can be used, either at the BEGINNING of

● IN SPITE OF This connector can be used, either at the BEGINNING of sentences, or in the MIDDLE. “This conjunction must be followed by a GERUND (VERB+ ING), which implies some changes in the sentences in which this expression is used. Eg: The Internet is essential in students´life, yet it also has some inconvenients. In spite of being essential in students´life, the Internet also has some inconvenients.

● DESPITE The connector “Despite” has exactly the same meaning as “in spite of”.

● DESPITE The connector “Despite” has exactly the same meaning as “in spite of”. It can also be used at the beginning of sentences or in the middle. “Despite” must be followed by a noun phrase (grupo nominal) or by a GERUND (VERB+ING). Eg: Teenagers are able to perform different tasks at the same time. However, none of them is done correctly. Despite teenagers´ ability to perform different tasks at the same time, none of them is done correctly.

Despite being able to perform different tasks at the same time, none of these

Despite being able to perform different tasks at the same time, none of these tasks is done correctly.