Cadences Def A Harmonic Goal specifically the chords

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� Def. = A Harmonic Goal, specifically the chords used at the goal. �

� Def. = A Harmonic Goal, specifically the chords used at the goal. � Some Cadences sound more final, where as others leave us off balance, feeling a need for the music to continue. � ex. Cadence in the middle of a phrase vs. cadence at the end of a phrase. � Your strongest cadence should be at the end of the section or final phrase.

� Cadences to end a Phrase: Authentic Cadences � PAC=Perfect Authentic Cadence (V 7

� Cadences to end a Phrase: Authentic Cadences � PAC=Perfect Authentic Cadence (V 7 -I) with Root in the Melody � IAC=Imperfect Authentic Cadences Root Position IAC= V 7 -I but 3 rd or 5 th of I chord is in the melody Inverted IAC=V 7 -I with either or both chords inverted Leading Tone IAC= some form of viio-I � Cadences to Extend of Phrase: � DC= V-vi (Double the 3 rd) � HC= Deceptive Cadence Half Cadence ? -V (can be preceeded by any other chord) � PHC= Phrygian Half Cadence iv 6 -V in minor � PC= Plagal Cadence IV-I (they are final sounding but not as important as the authentic cadence

Forms in Music

Forms in Music

� Motif: a short melodic, rhythmic, or harmonic element used repeatedly throughout a piece.

� Motif: a short melodic, rhythmic, or harmonic element used repeatedly throughout a piece. � Phrase: single coherent musical thought that move to a goal-the cadence. A four-measure segment make a phrase only when it concludes with a cadence. � Binary Form: A B � Ternary Form: A B A � Rondo Forms: �A BABA �A B A C A B A

� Period= Two Phrases combine together to form a period if they seem to

� Period= Two Phrases combine together to form a period if they seem to go together and if the second phrase ends with a more conclusive cadence than the first phrase �AKA=Antecedent-Consequent �Ex. Relationship Swing Low, Sweet Chariot � Parallel Period= When two phrases making up the period begin identically, or the second phrase is a variation of the first �Ex. Mary had a little lamb

� Contrasting Period= When two phrases are different from each other �Ex. Baa, Baa

� Contrasting Period= When two phrases are different from each other �Ex. Baa, Baa Black Sheep � Repeated Parallel Period= Two Phrases that form a Parallel Period repeated exactly � Double Period= A group of 4 phrases in which the only PAC appears at the conclusion of the fourth phrase. The first two phrases form the antecedent, and the second two form the consequent