Act 1 Scene 7 Tallia Adam Mikylla Cleo

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Act 1 Scene 7 Tallia, Adam, Mikylla, Cleo

Act 1 Scene 7 Tallia, Adam, Mikylla, Cleo

Scene Summary Macbeth expresses his concern about the murder towards Lady Macbeth starts to

Scene Summary Macbeth expresses his concern about the murder towards Lady Macbeth starts to question Macbeth’s manliness and basically calls him a coward. Lady Macbeth convinces Macbeth to follow through with the murder.

Scene Purpose Theme of Ambition Macbeth: “I have no spur to pick the sides

Scene Purpose Theme of Ambition Macbeth: “I have no spur to pick the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition, which overlaps itself” (I. vii. 25 -27).

Scene Purpose Theme of Appearances versus Reality Macbeth: “False face must hide what the

Scene Purpose Theme of Appearances versus Reality Macbeth: “False face must hide what the false heart doth know” (I. vii. 92).

Scene Purpose Theme of Manliness Lady Macbeth: “And, to be more than what you

Scene Purpose Theme of Manliness Lady Macbeth: “And, to be more than what you were, you would be so much more the man” (I. vii. 55, 56).

Scene Purpose Sets up plot development Rising action They plan to murder Duncan. In

Scene Purpose Sets up plot development Rising action They plan to murder Duncan. In some sense, it’s a turning point. They would start to open the door to a dark and sinful world.

Scene Purpose Lady Macbeth’s character …Stronger, more ruthless, and more ambitious than Macbeth. Even

Scene Purpose Lady Macbeth’s character …Stronger, more ruthless, and more ambitious than Macbeth. Even she would dare to smash the baby’s brains out(I. vii. 63). …She is a masculinity soul inhabiting a female body(I. vii. 80 -82).

Scene Purpose Lady Macbeth’s character Manipulates her husband by questioning his manhood. …Women can

Scene Purpose Lady Macbeth’s character Manipulates her husband by questioning his manhood. …Women can be as ambitious as cruel as men, in contrast to Macbeth that he is less than a man. Also, it foreshadows her insanity afterward…

 It uses soliloquy… Imagery made by repetition of words “if”, “were”, “done” prove

It uses soliloquy… Imagery made by repetition of words “if”, “were”, “done” prove it’s his train of thought.

 Personification “Pity as a baby” symbolizes helplessness; Pity as an angel symbolizes innocence.

Personification “Pity as a baby” symbolizes helplessness; Pity as an angel symbolizes innocence. Macbeth: “ The deep damnation of his taking off; And pity, like a naked new-born babe, Striding the blast, or heaven’s cherubin horsed; Upon the sightless couriers of the air, Shall blow the horrid deed in every eye, That tears shall drown the wind. ”(I. vii. 20 -25)

√ Imagery Blood comes to symbolize their guilt. “bloody instructions”(I. vii. 9). Macbeth: “When

√ Imagery Blood comes to symbolize their guilt. “bloody instructions”(I. vii. 9). Macbeth: “When we have mark’d with blood those sleepy two”(I. vii. 83).

 Macbeth: “We still have judgment here; that we but teach bloody instructions, which

Macbeth: “We still have judgment here; that we but teach bloody instructions, which being taught return to plague the inventor”(I. vii. 8 -10). It foreshadows the way that his deeds will eventually come back to haunt him.

 Imagery: Darkness We hear of “bloody instructions” (I. vii. 9) and a “poisoned

Imagery: Darkness We hear of “bloody instructions” (I. vii. 9) and a “poisoned chalice”(I. vii. 11), It suggests that Macbeth is aware of how the murder would open the door to a dark and sinful world.

~Amazing Modern English Translating of Act 1, Scene 7~ ACTION!

~Amazing Modern English Translating of Act 1, Scene 7~ ACTION!