Accelerated Reader What is AR Accelerated Reader is

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Accelerated Reader

What is AR? Accelerated Reader is software for primary and secondary schools used for monitoring the practice of reading. It was created by Renaissance Learning, Inc. There are two versions: a desktop version and a web-based version in Renaissance Place, the company's online portal. ● Students read a book approximately 34 minutes each day ● Students take an AR Quiz (STAR) on school computers, laptops, tablets (no quizzing is permitted at home) and earn points, or a portion of the book’s points, depending on how well they do on the quiz. ● Students get immediate feedback after taking the STAR reading test and AR Quiz ● Students get excited and motivated when they see their progress ● Teachers can easily monitor and manage students’ independent reading practice ● Teachers set personalized goals for each student based on their ZPD and GE range ● Teachers get reliable reports on reading comprehension, vocabulary, literacy skills and much more ● Students and teachers can manage reading practice, instruction and assessment data ● Parents encourage their child to read at home and check books out from the school or local public library ● Parents track and monitor progress by signing up online with the Home Connect feature. ● Students, Parents, and Teachers provide and receive feedback based on a student’s TOPS report to determine understanding of the book and cumulative data for the marking period and school year.

Who uses AR in the HUSD? ● Students, teachers, and librarians/media technicians in elementary and middle school based on individual site licenses Students can only take online assessments at school, but parents can monitor and track their progress by signing up online with Renaissance Home Connect.

Logging in to AR ● Students navigate to their homepage on their school computer and sign on with their Username and Password hosted 5. renlearn. com/272568

To learn more. . . www. renaissance. com/customer-center To get assistance. . . helpdesk@hemetusd. org