Why is the Washington Monument 2 Different Colors

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Why is the Washington Monument 2 Different Colors • • • It was started

Why is the Washington Monument 2 Different Colors • • • It was started in 1848 and then halted in 1856 due to political turmoil and lack of funds. The Civil War prevented work on the monument throughout 60 s and 70 s because of its cost. In 1876 work started again but the original quarry had run out of marble so it was quarried elsewhere.

Objectives: Chapter 13 Reconstruction • 21. Define the term Reconstruction and explain the issues

Objectives: Chapter 13 Reconstruction • 21. Define the term Reconstruction and explain the issues that are being dealt with during this time period. • 22. Explain how Lincoln dealt with the Confederacy after the war. • 23. Describe the events that led to Lincoln’s assassination (Booth, Fords Theater, Andrew Johnson) • 24. Compare and contrast the life of freed slaves to their lives before emancipation in the South. (13 , 14 , 15 Amendments, black Codes, Sharecropping, Jim Crow) th th th

Directions • Part 1: Together as a Class. Discuss and answer objectives 21 and

Directions • Part 1: Together as a Class. Discuss and answer objectives 21 and 22. • Part 2: Watch the video about the assassination of Lincoln and read about it in your book to answer Objective 23 in your notes. Be detailed answer the necessary questions in your response • Part 3: Complete the assigned worksheet by using your book and the internet. • Part 4: Answer objective 24 in your notes using the information from your worksheet. Be sure to include everything and be detailed.

Objective 21: Define the term Reconstruction and explain the issues that are being dealt

Objective 21: Define the term Reconstruction and explain the issues that are being dealt with during this time period. • The time period from 1865 -1877 when the country was working to rebuild the former Confederacy and reunite them with the nation. • Questions of the time period: – What to do with the Confederate leaders, generals and soldiers? – How do we bring Confederate States back into the Union – What to do with the freed slaves?

Lincoln’s Second Inaugural • With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness

Lincoln’s Second Inaugural • With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. * In your own words, explain what Lincoln is saying here…

Objective 22: Explain how Lincoln dealt with the Confederacy after the war. • With

Objective 22: Explain how Lincoln dealt with the Confederacy after the war. • With malice toward none and with charity for all • Use the next slides and page 403 to answer this objective.

Jefferson Davis • Was imprisoned on treason charges. Spent 2 years in jail and

Jefferson Davis • Was imprisoned on treason charges. Spent 2 years in jail and then went on to work successfully in business. • Died in 1889 at the age of 81 Davis at his home in 1885

Robert E. Lee Death mask • After the war Lee was stripped of his

Robert E. Lee Death mask • After the war Lee was stripped of his citizenship and denied voting rights but never arrested. • He lost his beloved Arlington Virginia House • Became the president of Washington (and now Lee) college • Died from Pneumonia 2 weeks after having a stroke in 1870 • President Ford officially reinstated Lee as a U. S. citizen in 1975.

Interesting fact • During the Civil War, Lincoln had his top hat shot off

Interesting fact • During the Civil War, Lincoln had his top hat shot off his head by a Confederate sharpshooter while he was riding his horse near D. C.

Lincoln Assassination Conspiracy: Using your book and the video, answer objective 23 in your

Lincoln Assassination Conspiracy: Using your book and the video, answer objective 23 in your notes. Make sure to address the following questions in your objective answer. http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=6 q. Ae. Fj. Csc. RY • Before you watch the video, look up the definition of a conspiracy and define it in your own words. • What was the plan (who was supposed to be killed)? • Who was involved? • Why was Booth able to move around theater so easily? • Why is the phrase “sic semper tyrannis” an infamous American quote? • Was the conspiracy a complete success, partial success, or failure? • What happened to the conspirators?

The Assassination of Lincoln

The Assassination of Lincoln

Mary Surratt • Md boarding house owner. • First woman ever executed by the

Mary Surratt • Md boarding house owner. • First woman ever executed by the U. S. government. 14 year old boy

The plot to steal Lincoln’s Body • Lincoln is now buried under almost 10

The plot to steal Lincoln’s Body • Lincoln is now buried under almost 10 feet of concrete.

Objective 24 • Answer all of the questions on your worksheet and use them

Objective 24 • Answer all of the questions on your worksheet and use them to address Objective 24. Be detailed and explain your answers to get full credit.