Until Lord Jesus comes again Until Lord Jesus

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直到主耶穌再來時候 Until Lord Jesus comes again

直到主耶穌再來時候 Until Lord Jesus comes again 我要走事奉的道路 I will be on the road of serving Him 窄的門窄的路 Narrow gate narrow road

背起我的十字架 Taking up my cross 當我走完事奉的道路 When I completed the need of serving him 我必看見主的榮光 I will see the glory of the Lord 榮耀的主耶穌 Glorious Lord Jesus 祂必歡喜迎接我 Until Lord Jesus comes again

直到主耶穌再來時候 Until Lord Jesus comes again 我要被興起 奔走主道路 I will be raised up and run on His way 主的榮耀遮蓋全地時 When the glory of the Lord fill the earth 我要站起來 敬拜讚美 I will stand up to worship and praise Him

我心所渴慕的主啊 O Lord the desire of my heart 你是全地的救主 You are the savior of the whole earth 我心所渴慕的主啊 O Lord the desire of my heart 你是荣耀的君王 You are the glorious king

直到主耶穌再來時候 Until Lord Jesus comes again 我要走事奉的道路 I will be on the road of serving Him 窄的門窄的路 Narrow gate narrow road

背起我的十字架 Taking up my cross 當我走完事奉的道路 When I completed the need of serving him 我必看見主的榮光 I will see the glory of the Lord 榮耀的主耶穌 Glorious Lord Jesus 祂必歡喜迎接我 Until Lord Jesus comes again

直到主耶穌再來時候 Until Lord Jesus comes again 我要被興起 奔走主道路 I will be raised up and run on His way 主的榮耀遮蓋全地時 When the glory of the Lord fill the earth 我要站起來 敬拜讚美 I will stand up to worship and praise Him

我心所渴慕的主啊 O Lord the desire of my heart 你是全地的救主 You are the savior of the whole earth 我心所渴慕的主啊 O Lord the desire of my heart 你是荣耀的君王 You are the glorious king

我心所渴慕的主啊 O Lord the desire of my heart 你是全地的救主 You are the savior of the whole earth 我心所渴慕的主啊 O Lord the desire of my heart 你是荣耀的君王 (3 x) You are the glorious king
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