TOPIC SOUND DIEGETIC SOUND Diegetic sound is sound
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DIEGETIC SOUND Diegetic sound is sound where the source of the sound is visible to the audience; such as dialogue, sounds made by certain objects in the scene as well as music made from an instrument featured in the scene. Example: Two characters having a conversation This can be seen in various films like Sucker Punch, Fight Club, Avatar
NON DIEGETIC SOUND Non Diegetic sound is sound the characters cannot hear such as narration, sound effects and music for the feel of the scene. Example: A film’s soundtrack playing throughout the film This can bee seen put I into effect in various video games such as Mass Effect 3
OFF SCREEN SOUND Off screen sounds are sounds characters can hear but the origin of said sound is not within the visible screen Example: The sound made from a kettle when a character is in another room waiting for drinks to brew This can be seen in shows such as Eastenders
VOICE OVER A voice over is a person narrating the story usually not attached to what we see on screen Example: A voice over to explain the plot This can be seen in the opening for each episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender when the deuterogamist of the series Katara explains what her grandmother used to tell her
THOUGHT VOICE – INTERIOR MONOLOGUE An Interior Monologue is usually a piece of dialogue that voices a persons inner thoughts to the audience Example: A person at a moral crossroads comparing two decisions This can be seen in games such as Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney and Thief
AMBIENT SOUND Ambient sound is the sound you hear in the background of a scene that can set the mood for what is to come Example: A crow cawing in a graveyard This can be seen in various films to build tension
SFX is an abbreviation for Special Effects and they are enhanced or artificially created sounds Example: The lightsabres in Star Wars These are used to give the audience an idea of what the object of thing would sound like in real life
REFERENCES http: //filmsound. org/ http: //www. eicar-international. com/letter-S-0. html http: //tvtropes. org/ All information found at these sites – Last Accessed 3/10/2016