DEFINITION & EXAMPLES • Possessive pronouns are personal pronouns used to show ownership or relationship. Singular Plural 1 st person My, mine Our, ours 2 nd person Your, yours 3 rd person Her/hers, his, its Their, theirs
ADDITIONAL INFO • My, your, her, his and their come before nouns • Ex. My mother is a great painter. • Mine, ours, yours, his, hers and theirs can stand alone in a sentence. Ex. Some people’s talents are in sports. Mine is in music. ** Be sure not to confuse some of these with contractions. For example, “its” is not “it’s” (it is).
MORE EXAMPLES • I couldn’t take his griping anymore. • I appreciate your understanding of the situation. • Their singing inspired us. • I always check if the art across the street is better than mine. • Is that the Queen’s hat? No, it’s her crown! • Note: there are other types of pronouns in some of the sentences above. But, only the ones that are in bold, underlined and italicized are possessive pronouns.
PRACTICE / SCAVENGER HUNT • Look through a book that you have and find at least four sentences that have a possessive pronoun in it. • Type these sentences into the page that has this Power. Point in your Class. Notebook. Include the name of the book you find them in.