Pentecost Sunday Colours On Pentecost the Priest wears

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Pentecost Sunday

Colours On Pentecost the Priest wears red vestments. Why is red a good colour for the Holy Spirit? Hint: Red is the colour of blood. Why do we need blood?

Design This is an example of a stole and a chasuble a priest might wear on Pentecost. What symbols can you see? What other symbols might be included in the design?

Music • On Pentecost Sunday we use hymn connected to the Holy Spirit. On the next slide is an example of a very old hymn that might be used. Read the words carefully. Are there any you don’t understand? What imagery is used for the Holy Spirit? Use a hymn book to help you decide what other hymns you might use.

Thou who art called the Paraclete, Best gift of God above, The living spring, the living fire, Sweet unction and true love. O guide our minds with thy blessed light, With love our hearts inflame; And with thy strength, which never decays, Confirm our mortal frame. Far from us drive our deadly foe; True peace unto us bring; And through all perils lead us safe Beneath thy sacred wing. Through thee may we the Father know, Through thee the eternal Son, And thee, the Spirit of them both, Thrice-blessed Three in One.

Banners and Posters • The church is sometimes decorated with special banners or posters. These are examples of coverings for the Lectern. How do they link to scripture?

This is a banner about the Holy Spirit but linked to different stories in the Bible. Which stories do you think are there?

Readings We have special readings on this day. First Reading Acts 2: 1 -11 Second Reading 1 Cor. 12: 3 -13 After the second reading there is a Special prayer called the sequence. • Gospel John. 14: 15 -16, 23 -26 or Jn. 20: 19 -23 • Look up these readings. Do you think they fit theme? Which Gospel would you use? • Illustrate the meaning of the second reading. • •

Prayers • There are special prayers that the priest says for Pentecost • What might be included in such prayers? Why? • Read the sequence Prayer. • If you were hearing the story for the first time what questions might you have?