OTHELLO ACT 1 SCENE 2 Othello Act 1

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Othello Act 1, scene 1 Review Discussion 1. 2. 3. Marxists: Marxists Why does

Othello Act 1, scene 1 Review Discussion 1. 2. 3. Marxists: Marxists Why does Iago believe that he has been passed over for promotion? What is Othello and Iago’s relationship like according to Iago? Feminists: Feminists What is Desdemona’s value? Why wasn’t Roderigo good enough for her according to her father? Critical Race Theorists: Theorists What sort of Venetian fears and prejudices does Iago play up when speaking with Brabatio? How is Othello described by Iago?

Iago Characterization 1. 2. 3. Read 1 -73 aloud several times, sharing out the

Iago Characterization 1. 2. 3. Read 1 -73 aloud several times, sharing out the lines between all members of the group. Look for key statements Iago makes about himself. What words reveal something about his character or motivation? Write these quotations in the second layer of the diagram. On the outer layer explain what you believe each of these to mean about him. Compare what you did with what other groups did.

Othello Act 1, scene 2 Context: Brabantio comes with henchmen to arrest Othello, who

Othello Act 1, scene 2 Context: Brabantio comes with henchmen to arrest Othello, who persuades him to accompany Othello to see the Duke. The Duke has summoned Othello because of a military crisis.

Othello Act 1, scene 2 Today we’ll be doing some basic acting! Why do

Othello Act 1, scene 2 Today we’ll be doing some basic acting! Why do Shakespearian plays have almost no stage directions? Where did the text we have now come from? What does blocking mean?

Scene Divisions: 1. 2. 1 -32 1. 2. 33 -64 1. 2. 65 -100

Scene Divisions: 1. 2. 1 -32 1. 2. 33 -64 1. 2. 65 -100 1. 2. 101 -23 [2 speaking roles] [3 speaking roles] [5 speaking roles] [3 speaking roles] Start by reading the script round robin twice like we did last week. End punctuation to end punctuation and then character to character. AFTER that, elect a director AND then pick roles to play and start planning your scene.

Scene Divisions: 1. 2. 1 -32 1. 2. 33 -64 1. 2. 65 -100

Scene Divisions: 1. 2. 1 -32 1. 2. 33 -64 1. 2. 65 -100 1. 2. 101 -23 [2 speaking roles] [3 speaking roles] [5 speaking roles] [3 speaking roles] Start by reading the script round robin twice like we did last week. End punctuation to end punctuation and then character to character. AFTER that, elect a director AND then pick roles to play and start planning your scene.

Discussion 1. 2 How would you characterize Othello in 1. 2 compared to how

Discussion 1. 2 How would you characterize Othello in 1. 2 compared to how Iago characterizes him in 1. 1? How is the potential violence deescalated? Iago swears in line 38 “By Janus. ” Janus was a Roman two-faced god. � Give examples of Iago’s two-faced behavior. � How might an actor convey Iago as two-faced in the scene we just acted? Who did it best?

Interpretation 1. 2 Do you notice basic differences in attitude between Cassio and Iago

Interpretation 1. 2 Do you notice basic differences in attitude between Cassio and Iago in their short conversation following Othello’s exit (1. 2. 601. 2. 65)? Why is Brabantio convinced that Othello must have used witchcraft on his daughter? Why would he have difficulty believing his daughter could run to Othello’s “sooty bosom”? Predict: Why do you think Desdemona

Theory Groups CRT: Liam, Ryan, Sara, Richard, Kevin, Riley, Taran, Kasra, Alex, Eric, April,

Theory Groups CRT: Liam, Ryan, Sara, Richard, Kevin, Riley, Taran, Kasra, Alex, Eric, April, Elaine Feminist: Jeremy, Madison, Noelle, Ana, Alysse, Annika, Alix, Emily Marxist: Scott, Jared, Jack, Luke, Tyler, Michael, Cable

Theory Groups CRT: Julia, Sarah D, Mc. Kinley, Gina, Spencer, Candace, Drew, Priya, Holden,

Theory Groups CRT: Julia, Sarah D, Mc. Kinley, Gina, Spencer, Candace, Drew, Priya, Holden, Nic, Matthew, Travis, Madison, Isaiah, Emily, Calvin Feminist: Sarah A, Polina, Endi, Anna, Olivia, Michael, Annie, Sophia, Izzy, Yoonji, Claire Marxist: Paul, Alex, Derek, Nathan, Andrei, Jack