Organization Index u Organization index u Organization Index

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Organization Index u Organization index • u Organization Index = (the ratio of the

Organization Index u Organization index • u Organization Index = (the ratio of the area under the DF and its harmonics to the total power) • Patients with driving multiple Pulmonary Vein Higher Organization index! Harmonic Decay • • Harmonic decay is designed to be an index of the waveform shape (and indirectly organization) Atrial Fibrilation(AF) VS Sinus Rhythm(SR) AF is Higher Harmonic decay <Organization Index> 4 <Harmonic decay>

선행논문 목록 u 논문 1 제목 : Surface ECG f Wave Analysis of Dofetilide

선행논문 목록 u 논문 1 제목 : Surface ECG f Wave Analysis of Dofetilide Drug Effect in the Atrium 저자 : VIRAJ P. RAYGOR u 논문 2 제목 : Surface ECG f Wave Analysis at Initial Onset of Paroxysmal and Persistent Atrial Fibrillation 저자 : PARTH SHARMA u 논문 3 제목 : Frequency Domain Algorithm for Quantifying Atrial Fibrillation Organization to Increase Defibrillation Efficacy 저자 : Thomas H. u 논문 4 제목 : Left atrial pressure and dominant frequency of atrial fibrillation in humans 저자 : Kentaro Yoshida 5

논문별 Method ① <논문 1, 논문 2> QRST substraction BPF(1~20 hz) ② <논문 3>

논문별 Method ① <논문 1, 논문 2> QRST substraction BPF(1~20 hz) ② <논문 3> ③ <논문 4> QRST substraction BPF(40~250 hz) Rectification Lowpass(20 hz) Hamming Window FFT 받은 데이터에 대해서 3가지 모두 진행해 보았으나, 1 방법 이외에는 유의한 차이가 X 6

분석결과표 Lead 2 V 1 Group 1(N=40) Group 5(N=71) DF 5. 66(1. 77)* 4.

분석결과표 Lead 2 V 1 Group 1(N=40) Group 5(N=71) DF 5. 66(1. 77)* 4. 29(1. 52)* 6. 09(1. 89)* 5. 14(1. 86) * O. I 0. 25(0. 08)* 0. 31(0. 11)* 0. 25(0. 08) 0. 28(0. 10) Harmonic Decay 1. 89(0. 84) * 1. 41(0. 59) * 1. 80(0. 62) 1. 60(0. 77) **DF, O. I, HD 의 방향성은 모두 Group 1 보다 Group 5가 호전된 피험자들의 값인걸로 일치하는데 약물의 의한 효과로 추정 8

V 2 9 V 3 V 4 V 5 V 6 Group 1 Group

V 2 9 V 3 V 4 V 5 V 6 Group 1 Group 5 Group 1 Group 5 DF 5. 04(1. 61)* 4. 22(1. 74)* 4. 99(1. 94)* 4. 20(1. 78)* 4. 88(1. 84)* 4. 05(2. 01)* 4. 68(1. 78)* 3. 93(1. 59)* 4. 93(1. 69)* 3. 94(1. 18)* O. I 0. 26(0. 09) * 0. 32(0. 11) * 0. 27(0. 11)* 0. 32(0. 12)* 0. 27(0. 10)* 0. 34(0. 13)* 0. 28(0. 11)* 0, 34(0. 13)* 0. 26(0. 09)* 0. 32(0. 11)* Harmonic Decay 1. 75(0. 83) 1. 43(0. 78) 1. 69(0. 76) 1. 45(0. 64) 1. 72(0. 76)* 1. 30(0. 61)* 1. 51(0. 87) 1. 49(0. 57) 1. 69(0. 74)* 1. 28(0. 51)*