Exercise: �Correct all of the frequently confused word errors in the following paragraph: �Sometimes its hard to find the write place to study on campus. The library use too be the principle location for students to due they’re difficult coarse work, weather it was preparing research papers or writing critical essays. But now, most library resources are available online, to. This change has lead students to use campus computer labs and cafes as study halls. There, students can go online, get up-to-date sources, write there reports, and have peace and quite without the stuffy atmosphere of the library. The only problem with doing research online is that It’s easier to loose a piece of information on the computer then it is to lose a hard copy in the library.
Answers: �Sometimes it’s hard to find the right place to study on campus. The library used to be the principal location for students to do their difficult course work, whether it was preparing research papers or writing critical essays. But now, most library resources are available online, too. This change has led students to use campus computer labs and cafes as study halls. There, students can go online, get upto-date sources, write their reports, and have peace and quiet without the stuffy atmosphere of the library. The only problem with doing research online is that It’s easier to lose a piece of information on the computer than it is to lose a hard copy in the library.