Internet Safety Click Clever Click Safe Internet safety

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Internet Safety Click Clever. Click Safe. Internet safety guidelines for children to follow and

Internet Safety Click Clever. Click Safe. Internet safety guidelines for children to follow and learn.

Today, we are going to look at the meaning of a digital footprint and

Today, we are going to look at the meaning of a digital footprint and understand how and why people use their information and online presence to create a virtual image of themselves as a user. We will look at appropriate online behaviour and how this can protect you and others from possible online dangers, bullying and inappropriate behaviour.

Log in to Purple Mash and click on Work. Then double click on class

Log in to Purple Mash and click on Work. Then double click on class and select Year 6 2020. Find the file that is called Esafety Lesson 2 and click on it. https: //www. purplemash. com/app/pup/Digital_footprint_database_example This is a simulation of applicants to a college funded by the local premier league football team Halliwell FC. The college has used online searches to fill in the information that they can find to help them assess who should be offered a place. Look at the record structure by clicking the button.

Use the database to answer the questions about the candidates on the Digital Footprints

Use the database to answer the questions about the candidates on the Digital Footprints Database sheet.



Look at this example of a digital footprint. https: //www. purplemash. com/#app/bloglinks/digital_footprint_Example What can

Look at this example of a digital footprint. https: //www. purplemash. com/#app/bloglinks/digital_footprint_Example What can you find out about Ash Smith just from their digital footprint?

Plenary - Digital Footprint quiz. https: //www. purplemash. com/#app/pup/Digital_Footprint_Quiz (This is also save as

Plenary - Digital Footprint quiz. https: //www. purplemash. com/#app/pup/Digital_Footprint_Quiz (This is also save as a 2 Do)