How Are they cause and what they do

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 • How Are they cause and what they do • an earthquake (movement

• How Are they cause and what they do • an earthquake (movement of the sea floor) • A volcanic eruption (lava and rock going "kersploosh" into the sea) • A huge landslide

 • • December 26, 2004 Biggest Tsunami ever seen and recorded It move

• • December 26, 2004 Biggest Tsunami ever seen and recorded It move at 500 miles per hour A magnitude 9 undersea earthquake occurred off of Indonesia's Sumatra Island • It triggered a massive tsunami

Tsunami cause deaths • More that 300, 000 people die • It could take

Tsunami cause deaths • More that 300, 000 people die • It could take 4 -6 hours to traval from Hawaii to Aleutian Island

 • A 9. 2 magnitude undersea earthquake triggered a series of events that

• A 9. 2 magnitude undersea earthquake triggered a series of events that would • Within hours of the earthquake, the coasts of Indonesia, India, Sri Lanka, Thailand, and other countries. • some as high as 49 feet

 • To measure the height of the biggest wave • all scientists had

• To measure the height of the biggest wave • all scientists had to do was look for the high water mark - that's the line where the water reached it's highest point on the nearby land. • It's real easy to find, you just look for the uppermost edge of the damaged area

 • It is estimated that over one-third of the dead are children.

• It is estimated that over one-third of the dead are children.

What had happened • The Indonesian province of Aceh, on the northern tip of

What had happened • The Indonesian province of Aceh, on the northern tip of the island of Sumatra • Was hit hardest by the earthquake and tsunamis of Dec. 26, 2004.

Befor the tsunami hit December 29, 2004 • The wave height might have exceeded

Befor the tsunami hit December 29, 2004 • The wave height might have exceeded 50 feet when it struck the shore.

After the Tsunami • The town of Lhoknga, on the west coast of Sumatra

After the Tsunami • The town of Lhoknga, on the west coast of Sumatra near the capital of Aceh, was destroyed by the tsunami. • Only a mosque, the white circular feature in the city’s center, survived. • Almost all the trees, vegetation, and buildings in the area were washed away.

It was strong • The quake released an amount of energy equal to a

It was strong • The quake released an amount of energy equal to a 100 gigaton bomb • like when you drop something in the bathtub or throw a rock into a lake. Only the "ripples" come from

 • Well, a tsunami it's actually a Japanese word. • Is a word

• Well, a tsunami it's actually a Japanese word. • Is a word scientists use to describe an enormous wave or series of waves • That happens when a humongous amount of energy is released into the waters of the ocean creating a ripple effect

This is what the Tsunami did

This is what the Tsunami did

What I think • Tsunami are deadly and kill many people. • Most time

What I think • Tsunami are deadly and kill many people. • Most time people do not know when it is coming it is hard to tell • Scientist are coming up with way to find out when the next on is coming years before it happent

Work Cited • http: //tsunamihelp. blogspot. com/ • http: //www. extremescience. com/Biggest. W ave.

Work Cited • http: //tsunamihelp. blogspot. com/ • http: //www. extremescience. com/Biggest. W ave. htm • http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/2004_Indian_O cean_earthquake