Future perfect X Future continuous Future continuous Future

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Future perfect X Future continuous

Future continuous • Future continuous (budoucí čas průběhový) Tvary: budoucí čas od „být“ + infinitiv + „ing“ • Will be watching • Will be seeing

Future continuous Použití: 1. činnost, která bude probíhat v určitém časovém okamžiku v budoucnosti • This time tomorrow we will be watching TV. • Next year we will be looking for new workers. • Don‘t call me between 6 and 7. We‘ll be having dinner then.

Future continuous 2. Zdvořilé otázky na plány v budoucnosti • Will you be staying at home tomorrow evening? • Will you be travelling to work by car? • Will you be passing the bank when you‘re out?

Future perfect • Future perfect (předbudoucí čas) Tvary: budoucí čas od „have“ + příčestí minulé trpné • Will have finished • Will have done

Future perfect Použití: děj, který bude ukončen do určitého časového okamžiku v budoucnosti • I will have finished my homework by 9 o'clock. • In a few years our children will have left home. • After a year she will have written about 3 thousand pages.

Cvičení Doplňte future continuous nebo Future perfect od sloves v závorce. Tomorrow afternoon I ………. . (work). Tom is spending his money very quickly. If he continues in it, he…. …. . (spend) all his money before the end of this month. If you need to contact me, I …………. (stay) at the Prague Hotel until Sunday. ……………(you/see)Laura tomorrow? Alice is travelling around Europe? By the end of the trip she…………. (travel) more than 3000 kilometres. ………………(dad/use) our car on Wednesday?
Future perfect future continuous future perfect continuous
Future continuous future perfect
Future perfect and future continuous
Present perfect
Cuando usar past perfect y past simple
Past simple, past continuous and past perfect
Past perfect continuous tense vs present perfect continuous
See future continuous
Tense chart in english