Frederick Douglass 1817 1895 Frederick Douglass Born into
Frederick Douglass 1817 ? – 1895
Frederick Douglass • Born into slavery in Maryland separated from his mother soon after birth – Douglass referred to this separation as a cruel and barbaric act resulting from the slave system; however, fitting with the idea of slavery: reducing man to brute • Because records were rarely kept for children born into slavery, he was never sure of his exact age. • Douglass received no formal education; and instead, taught himself to read with help from individuals in his household. (The individuals later felt that Douglass’s ability to read was incompatible with being enslaved. ) • Escaped to Massachusetts around approx. the age of 21. – Married and began making public speeches in support of the abolitionist cause. – Changed his last name from Bailey to Douglass (inspired by a Romantic hero in a novel).
Frederick Douglass • In 1845, Douglass went to England due to danger he faced as a fugitive. – Part of that danger resulted from the publication of his autobiography, “Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, ” which came out that same year. • British friends collected around $700 and purchased his freedom. • Douglass returns to the States in 1847 – Founded a newspaper where he championed the abolition of slavery – Published a revised version of his life story, “My Bondage and My Freedom” • Both of his life stories were widely read and quite influential in the abolitionist cause. • During the Civil War, Douglass worked for the Underground Railroad and helped recruit black soldiers for the Union armies. • 1881 – he published yet another version of his life story, “The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass”
Douglass Reading Assignment • Read “from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass” (pg. 399 – 403) • Read “from My Bondage and My Freedom” (pg. 413) – Both due by Monday • Reminder: The Jungle Ch. 1 -3 is also due Monday
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