Encomienda System Social Classes of New Spain Mexico

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Encomienda System Social Classes of New Spain (Mexico after the fall of Montezuma and

Encomienda System Social Classes of New Spain (Mexico after the fall of Montezuma and the Aztec’s)

Hernan Cotrtes Conquers Aztec’s and surrounding “Indian” people for the expansion of Spain Sets-up

Hernan Cotrtes Conquers Aztec’s and surrounding “Indian” people for the expansion of Spain Sets-up a social class situation that is primarily based on Blood and place of birth – Allegiance to Spain is key. Spain – wants to keep its colonial expansion without having to commit troops and money to defend against rebellion. “how do we keep the new territory loyal to Spain”

Distribution of land, wealth, privleges � Top social class – Peninsulares granted large estates

Distribution of land, wealth, privleges � Top social class – Peninsulares granted large estates where they could grow crops, raise cattle and other farm animals for sale of products/trade. -Hacienda’s � Farms had labor provided by Spain via the conquered peoples (Indians/Aztecs) � Peninsulares were identified as Spanish Born, from Spanish Parents (pure bloods from the home country) � Best chance to keep the peace by their allegiance to the crown of Spain. � Were only ones who could hold high public office (mayor, etc) � System called Encomienda System

Distribution of land, wealth, privleges Second class below the Peninsulares were the Criollos (Creoles)

Distribution of land, wealth, privleges Second class below the Peninsulares were the Criollos (Creoles) They were of pure Spanish Blood but were born in New Spain (Mexico) rather than in Spain. Could not hold the same level of public office, were not granted the Hacienda’s from the king, but could inherit the land from their Parents if they were Peninsulares.

Movement Away from Spain… The Peninsulares and Criollos were considered upper class, and supported

Movement Away from Spain… The Peninsulares and Criollos were considered upper class, and supported the king based on their love for the “homeland” ……but as time went by the Criollos were less connected…… the 1 st generation Criollos had parents born in Spain, but 2 nd and 3 rd generations were born in New Spain (Mexico) and their affection for Spain diminished every generation.

Lower classes Mestizos - Mixed ancestry blood, could be the child of a Peninsulares

Lower classes Mestizos - Mixed ancestry blood, could be the child of a Peninsulares and a Native Indian (forbidden love ) Because they had some “pure blood” they were considered above any “non-pure-blood” person. These were the working class people of the society, mainly in small towns and communities. Mulattos – Mixed blood of African Slaves and Mestizos rarely ever mixed with Creoles or Peninsulares. Took a slightly higher place in society because they were not purely slave.

Lowest Class Captured Aztec , Native Indian Tribes, and Slaves from Africa. Used for

Lowest Class Captured Aztec , Native Indian Tribes, and Slaves from Africa. Used for labor with essentially no rights. Under Encomienda System, “labor” was to be treated fairly, with shelter, food, and living supplies. Spain wanted to reduce any chance of over-throw by rebellious groups

Peninsulares Granted land, political office and voting rts Based on Blood and birth location

Peninsulares Granted land, political office and voting rts Based on Blood and birth location Creoles Inherit land, still considered upper class Mestizos No inheritance No rights whatsoever Native Indians Mulattos Lowest of the middleclass No rights whatsoever Black Slaves

Revolt Begins to Fester…. . Stop Here

Revolt Begins to Fester…. . Stop Here