Diplomatic and Consular Law Professor Fatima El Hassan

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Diplomatic and Consular Law Professor Fatima El Hassan

Diplomatic and Consular Law Professor Fatima El Hassan

Introduction to diplomatic and consular law n Vocabulary specialized in this area n Conception

Introduction to diplomatic and consular law n Vocabulary specialized in this area n Conception of diplomatic and consular law n The links and distinction n Development of diplomatic and consular law

Diplomatic Law n The system of diplomatic organs n Position of diplomatic staff n

Diplomatic Law n The system of diplomatic organs n Position of diplomatic staff n The functions of a diplomatic mission n The accrediting and acceptance n The classes of the heads of the mission

The diplomatic immunity n Concept of diplomatic immunity n On the immunity of the

The diplomatic immunity n Concept of diplomatic immunity n On the immunity of the embassy n The immunity of diplomatic staff n The mission and third state n The obligations of the diplomatic staff n The determination of the mission

Immunity of the embassy n Inviolability of the premises of the mission n Inviolability

Immunity of the embassy n Inviolability of the premises of the mission n Inviolability of official correspondence n Diplomatic bag and diplomatic courier n Exemption from all dues and taxes n Archives and documents of the mission n Freedom of movement and travel n Right to use the flag and emblem

Immunity of diplomatic staff n Inviolability of the person of the staff n Inviolability

Immunity of diplomatic staff n Inviolability of the person of the staff n Inviolability and protection of private residence n Immunity from jurisdiction and exceptions n Exemption from social security and exceptions n Exemption from all dues and taxes Exemption from public service Entry of and grant exemption from all customs duties on their articles Immunity of other members of the mission Span of the diplomatic immunity n n

The mission and third state n Inviolability and privileges during passage n Immunity of

The mission and third state n Inviolability and privileges during passage n Immunity of the family members n Passage of other members of the staff n official correspondence, diplomatic couriers and diplomatic bags n Presence of them due to force majeure

Obligations of the diplomatic staff n Respect the laws and regulations of the receiving

Obligations of the diplomatic staff n Respect the laws and regulations of the receiving State n Non-interference in the internal affairs n Counterparts for all official business n Proper use of the premises of the mission n No practice of professional or commercial activity for personal profit

Determination of the function n End of the function n Recall in the case

Determination of the function n End of the function n Recall in the case of persona non grata n Active recall by the sending state n Severance of diplomatic relations n Practices in the case of arm conflicts or wars and the severance of diplomatic relations

Vienna Convention on Consular Relations contains Definitions in this area n Consular Relations in

Vienna Convention on Consular Relations contains Definitions in this area n Consular Relations in General n – (1) Establishment and Conduct of Consular Relations – (2)End of Consular Functions Consular Facilities, Privileges and Immunities n Regime Relating to Honorary Consular Officers and Consular Posts Headed by Such Officers n General Provisions n