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CONSTITUENT RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (CRM) Steering Committee Meeting May 2016 www. it. ufl. edu

CONSTITUENT RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT (CRM) Steering Committee Meeting May 2016 www. it. ufl. edu

Agenda � CRM Vision & Roadmap � CRM Technologies � CRM Implementation Project Status

Agenda � CRM Vision & Roadmap � CRM Technologies � CRM Implementation Project Status � CRM Implementation Timeline � CRM Next Steps � Questions www. it. ufl. edu

CRM Vision & Roadmap � Vision ◦ Develop a system that provides a 360

CRM Vision & Roadmap � Vision ◦ Develop a system that provides a 360 degree view of UF constituents – “from prospect to endowment. ” � Roadmap ◦ 2016 – Recruiting & prospect management for undergraduates ◦ ◦ ◦ �Communications Tracking �Email Messaging to replace Target X �Reporting 2017 – Recruiting & prospect management for Graduates/Professionals/UFOnline 2017 – Integration with new Student Information System 2017 – Integration with new Coalition Application for Undergraduates/Transfers 2017 – Integration with College. NET Applyweb for Graduates/UFOnline/Postbac 2018 – Student engagement and retention 2019 & beyond – life long learning www. it. ufl. edu

CRM Technologies � Salesforce Sales Cloud CRM Platform ◦ Enrollment Rx Higher Education Solution

CRM Technologies � Salesforce Sales Cloud CRM Platform ◦ Enrollment Rx Higher Education Solution �Constituent Bio-demo data �Event Management �Reporting �Workflow � Salesforce Marketing Cloud Communications Platform ◦ Exact Target (Email Campaigns) ◦ Social Studio (Social Networking Communications) ◦ Balance Digital Marketing www. it. ufl. edu

CRM Implementation Project Status � Completed ◦ ◦ ◦ Marketing Cloud instance provisioned –

CRM Implementation Project Status � Completed ◦ ◦ ◦ Marketing Cloud instance provisioned – 3/16/2016 Sales Cloud CRM instance provisioned – 3/22/2016 Enrollment Rx installed – 4/15/2016 Sandbox Created – 4/22/2016 Project kickoff completed on 4/28/2016 � In ◦ ◦ ◦ Tasks Progress Business Process Review Sample Data Conversion Request for Information Forms Platform Security & Governance Communication Plans www. it. ufl. edu

CRM Implementation Timeline Sandbox Configuration UF Business Process Review Enrrollment Rx Customization Marketing Cloud

CRM Implementation Timeline Sandbox Configuration UF Business Process Review Enrrollment Rx Customization Marketing Cloud & Social Studio Customization Apr 18 - Apr 29 Apr 25 - May 13 May 9 - Aug 5 May 16 - Jul 15 Salesforce Roles hierarchy and Governance Testing/Traini ng 201 6 Apr May 24 - Jul 29 Aug 8 - Sep 2 May Today Jun Jul Aug 201 6 Sep 5 Go Live www. it. ufl. edu

CRM Next Steps � Continue ◦ ◦ ◦ Enrollment Rx Configuration Import Processes Prospect

CRM Next Steps � Continue ◦ ◦ ◦ Enrollment Rx Configuration Import Processes Prospect Management Event Management Reporting Integrations � Begin Marketing Cloud Implementation ◦ Finalize Communication Plans ◦ Email Template Development ◦ Social Media Listener Configuration www. it. ufl. edu

CRM Next Steps � Begin work toward 2017 scope ◦ Graduate Departments can begin

CRM Next Steps � Begin work toward 2017 scope ◦ Graduate Departments can begin documentation �Getting Started Guides �Business Process Mapping �Documentation of Request for Information Forms �Communication Plans �Gather lists and sample data of all leads/import lists �Additional Requirements ◦ Begin discussions on admissions without E-Referral www. it. ufl. edu

Questions? www. it. ufl. edu

Questions? www. it. ufl. edu

Appendix www. it. ufl. edu

Appendix www. it. ufl. edu

Getting Started Documentation � Getting Started Guide � RFI Form Inventory � User Profiles

Getting Started Documentation � Getting Started Guide � RFI Form Inventory � User Profiles and Assignments Template www. it. ufl. edu