Characterization Direct Indirect Objectives Define direct and indirect
Characterization Direct & Indirect
Objectives Define direct and indirect characterization. Accurately differentiate between direct and indirect characterization by locating examples with the sample text.
What is Characterization? Technique by which authors develop characters. How the author conveys information about a character to the audience. Can be done through a characters actions, speech, appearance, thoughts and other characters opinions.
Direct (Explicit) When the author or narrator tells the reader what the character is like. A character is portrayed by direct description of his outward appearance and by directly naming his human and mental qualities or abilities.
Example “He’s got dark-gold hair that he combs back – long silky and straight…His eyes are dark brown”(8).
Indirect (Implicit) When the author gives information about the character that allows the reader to draw his or her own conclusions. A character is portrayed by what he does or by describing his environment. Uses situations and other characters to understand a particular character.
Example “I looked away hurriedly, because, if you want to know the truth, I was starting to bawl”(8).
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