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Introduction n History n AI performances n Application of AI n Importance of AI n Future Perspective n Demos n Conclusion n

Introduction n n AI is a branch of Computer Science concerned with the study and creation of computer systems. AI exhibits some form of intelligence: – systems that learn new concepts and tasks, – can reason and draw useful conclusions about the world. n AI systems also can understand a natural language or perceive and comprehend a visual scene, and perform other types of feats that require human types of intelligence.

Introduction (counted. ) Figure. Agents interact with environments through sensors and effectors

History 1940 - 1950; knowledge of the basic physiology and function of neurons in the brain. n Revolutions have occurred in robotics, computer vision, machine learning (including neural networks) and knowledge representation. n

AI performances n n Knowledge representation is a design for knowledge– based agent. Expert systems are programs that mimic the behavior of a human expert. They use information that the user supplies to sender an opinion on a certain subject. The expert system asks user questions until it can identify an object that matches with the answer from the user. Natural Language Processing (NLP) tries to make the computer capable of understanding commands written in standard human languages. Robotics: Industrial assembly robots are used in a controlled environment. It can perform only programmed task.

Application of AI The GPS developed in 1957 by Alan Newell and Hervert Simon, embodied a grandiose vision n The main programming languages used in AI are Lisp and Prolog n Prolog especially used in Europe and Japan, and Lisp in the U. S. n

Importance of AI n n n AI is the field where human brain and machine talks together. The importance of AI is very wide. Human brain can be transformed into a machine format and all the research is done through AI. Cognitive Psychology and AI are very related. Cognitive Psychology discusses on human behavior and AI deals how to transform machine close to human.

Future Perspective n n n (1) Reducing the time and cost of development is a big plan for AI. (2) Allowing students to work collaboratively is another plan from Researchers. Perfect rationality: the classical notion of rationality in decision theory. Bounded optimality: A bounded optimal agent behaves as well as possible given its computational resources. Game theory studies decision problems in which the utility of a given action depends not only on chancing events in the environment but also on the actions of other agents.

Demos n Speak with Jesus n Talk to Julie, With e-cards n Multilingual Text-to-Speech Systems n Dr. Werner Wilhelm Webowitz's Office! n ELIZA - a friend you could never have before n Type in text to be synthesized n Converse with Arty Fishal looney-bin n Brain the Bot n Conversation with TIPS

Conclusion n n AI just finished with its period of infancy. It has ramifications that yet remain unknown to everyone. The effort and research can bring the surprising innovations. There also results which cannot be foreseen when the computer begins to think for itself. A computer it can be used in different ways depending on the user’s needs.

References n n n n Norvis, Peter &Russel, Stuart Artificial Intelligence: A modern Approach, Prentice Hall, NJ, 1995 Patterson, Dan W. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited New Delhi, 1998 Nilsson, Nils J. Principles of Artificial Intelligence, Narosa Publishing House New Delhi, 1998 Schildt, Herbert Artificial Intelligence Using C, Osborne Mc. Graw Hill Berkeley, California, , 1987 Norvig, Peter Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, San Mateo, California 1992 http: //www. cee. hw. ac. uk/~alison/ai 3 notes/all. html http: //www. acm. org/crossroads/xrds 3 -1/aied. html http: //www. bus. orst. edu/faculty/brownc/es_tutor. htm #1 -AI

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