What is acid deposition? dry deposition: conversion of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into sulphates and nitrates rain containing greater amounts of acid than “normal” conversion of sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides into sulphuric and nitric acid low p. H (<5. 6) sulphuric acid carbonic acid nitric acid
What causes acid rain? Natural occurrences of: sulphur dioxide carbon dioxide nitrogen oxides Plant respiration, volcanic activity, atmospheric gases The Role of Human Activity: Transport Vehicle exhausts emit nitrogen oxides from their exhausts. Industry Power stations burning fossil fuels with high sulphur content.
Acids taken into solution by cloud and rain droplets Polluting gases react with oxygen in the atmosphere to produce dilute forms of sulphuric acid & nitric acid. The acids run through rivers, into lakes and are taken into the hydrological cycle. Acids (carried by prevailing winds) can travel up to 2000 km within 5 days Acid rain falls and lands on vegetation and soaks into soil.
What are the impacts of acid deposition? direct effects: e. g. acid on coniferous woodland Toxic effects: e. g. aluminium ions on fish nutrient effects: e. g. leaching calcium How can acid deposition be tackled? Describe and evaluate pollution management strategies for acid deposition: • measures to reduce fossil fuel combustion • clean up measures at points of emissions • role of international agreements