93 What happens if you dont have enough

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唐冠軍教室 珠璣集 93. What happens if you don’t have enough income to cover all

唐冠軍教室 珠璣集 93. What happens if you don’t have enough income to cover all your debts? 93. 如果「收入不夠、負債又過高」你該怎麼辦? Precious advises to success - 8 secret codes 導向成功的金玉良言 --- 成功秘碼 8 條 If you want to get rich, let us see what a rich dad or rich mom is going to tell us. 如何致富?且聽聽看富爸爸富媽媽是怎麼說的。 Click for Next Page

Getting out of debt takes more than just making money to pay back what

Getting out of debt takes more than just making money to pay back what you owe. You need to eliminate the source of your debt. Never take on new debt to pay for old ones. Only then can you be truly free from debt and escape the curse of poverty. 「解決債務問題,除了要多賺錢來清還債務之外,還是要以切斷債務的來源,來 得最為重要。切勿以債養債,這樣你才能夠徹底的解決債務問題,脫離債務困境。 」

Seeing how real estate prices keep dropping, it isn’t so unthinkable that one day

Seeing how real estate prices keep dropping, it isn’t so unthinkable that one day you may wake up to find yourself upside down in your mortgage, your dream dissolving into nightmare, your pride and joy swallowed up by regrets and desperation. 「隨著房價的下跌,很可能就在一夕之間,房子變成了溺水屋,讓你的美夢變成 了惡夢,光榮變成了悲哀。」

Property owners desperate to get rid of their houses and the large number of

Property owners desperate to get rid of their houses and the large number of bank-owned properties can keep dragging down the real estate market in the United States until it crashes. Real estate development and construction may come to a halt; financial institutions may be forced into bankruptcy, buy-outs, or simply close down. Consumer spending has also suffered a universal decline, further delaying a global economic recovery. 「急於把房子脫手的屋主及銀行拍賣屋可能會拖垮全美房價到崩盤。建商、開發商, 可能會停業,金融機構可能會被迫破產、併購、倒閉。消費者支出又普遍減少,它 將會拖累全世界經濟復甦的前途。」

Life is like walking on a high wire— the slightest misstep and you can

Life is like walking on a high wire— the slightest misstep and you can plunge into the depth of oblivion. To avoid making such critical errors, you need to stay alert, and always think before taking every step. 「 人生有如走鋼索,處處有陷井,稍一不小心就可能讓你跌落深淵,所以你要時 時提高警覺步步為營,以免犯錯。」 Taking on new loans, especially from loan sharks, to pay for existing loans can only put you in a deeper hole. 「找地下錢莊去借高利貸,以債養債絕對不能幫助你解決債務問題。」

A bad economy and falling property values can drive you to the brink of

A bad economy and falling property values can drive you to the brink of desperation. The best solution is to lift the one greatest burden off your shoulder—your mortgage payment. Only then can you free yourself from the entrapment of endless debts. 「如果經濟不好,房價又不斷下滑 ,逼得你走投無路時,最好的方法是你趕快去丟 掉你最大的包袱 ---- 房貸Payment ,這樣你才能徹底的解決債務問題,脫離困境。 」

When in debt, you must strive to earn more money to pay it off.

When in debt, you must strive to earn more money to pay it off. Yet for some property owners, the only right thing to do is to put an end to the main source of their debts. 「解決債務問題,除了要多賺錢來清還債務之外,對個別屋主而言,最重要的還是 要以切斷最大、最主要債務的來源 ,這才是正途。」

What happens if you don’t have enough income to cover all your debts? The

What happens if you don’t have enough income to cover all your debts? The only way out is to put an end to the main source of your debts. 「如果「收入不夠、負債又過高」你該怎麼辦? 唯有快速切斷你最大、最主要的債 務的來源 ,這樣你才能解決你的債務問題。」 Esc for Exit