Writing the Comparison and Contrast Essay Compare Similarities

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Writing the Comparison and Contrast Essay Compare = Similarities Contrast = Differences

Writing the Comparison and Contrast Essay Compare = Similarities Contrast = Differences

1. What is the purpose of comparison and contrast? Comparison Outlines the similarities of

1. What is the purpose of comparison and contrast? Comparison Outlines the similarities of the two subjects Contrast Draws out the differences between two subjects Demonstrates how two subjects, which appear dissimilar, are actually similar. Instead of judgmental, may be informational.

2. Terminology These are all synonyms for similar “things” you notice about each topic:

2. Terminology These are all synonyms for similar “things” you notice about each topic: For example, similar aspects of soccer and football are: attributes Uniforms characteristics Equipment Rules elements However, we would, of course, take traits note of the differences in these aspects points

3. Caution! Avoid stating the obvious I would really like to have some hair

3. Caution! Avoid stating the obvious I would really like to have some hair left after our compare and contrast unit! One is a boy and the other is a girl. They both have hair. They both are wearing shoes.

4. Caution! Avoid stating the obvious One is a boy and the other is

4. Caution! Avoid stating the obvious One is a boy and the other is a girl. They both have hair. They both are wearing shoes. Explain in your own words why this type of compare and contrast is weak.

5. How do I prepare to write a compare and contrast essay and avoid

5. How do I prepare to write a compare and contrast essay and avoid the obvious? Create a T-Chart (or Venn Diagram) 1. First, list the attributes/aspects/elements of each topic 2. Next, identify aspects that are similar to both subjects. Select two to three of these similar aspects that will allow for some discussion. 3. Lastly, find the differences in these similarities.

Writing the Thesis Statement

Writing the Thesis Statement

6. Write a thesis statement for a comparison and contrast essay Decide to what

6. Write a thesis statement for a comparison and contrast essay Decide to what extent the similarities between subjects will be stressed and to what extent their differences will be stressed. In other words, will you focus on similarities, differences, or an even discussion of both? Create a thesis statement that reflects that decision.

7. Examples: Weak Thesis Statements They are both somewhat alike and somewhat different. I

7. Examples: Weak Thesis Statements They are both somewhat alike and somewhat different. I can see some similarities and some differences too. Both of them involve (only a single similarity, no differences).

Examples: Strong Thesis Statements Ralph and Jack have very different leadership styles and motivations

Examples: Strong Thesis Statements Ralph and Jack have very different leadership styles and motivations which lead to the eventual chaos and anarchy on the island. In order to make a decision between the Honda Civic and the BMW, consider the following criteria: price of the vehicle, average mileage, and price of insurance.

8. What are the differences between the weak and strong thesis statements? _____________________________________ _____________________________________

8. What are the differences between the weak and strong thesis statements? _____________________________________ _____________________________________

9. Location of thesis statement Your thesis statement will be the last sentence of

9. Location of thesis statement Your thesis statement will be the last sentence of your introductory paragraph and will be restated in your concluding paragraph.

Organizing a Comparison and Contrast Essay Two basic ways to write a compare and

Organizing a Comparison and Contrast Essay Two basic ways to write a compare and contrast essay: Subject-by Subject Point-by-Point

Subject-by-Subject Each body paragraph focuses on a different subject. Body paragraph 1 - Discuss

Subject-by-Subject Each body paragraph focuses on a different subject. Body paragraph 1 - Discuss all of the aspects about the 1 st subject. For example, a BMW’s design and price Body paragraph 2 - Discuss all of the aspects about the 2 nd subject. For example, a Honda’s design and price

Point-by-Point Each body paragraph focuses on a different aspect. Body paragraph 1 - Discuss

Point-by-Point Each body paragraph focuses on a different aspect. Body paragraph 1 - Discuss the 1 st aspect for both subjects. For example, discuss the design for both the BMW and the design of the Honda. Body paragraph 2 - Discuss the 2 nd aspect for both subjects. For example, discuss the price for both the BMW and the price of the Honda.

Should I use block or point-by-point organizing structures? Subject-by-subject: Focuses on each subject separately.

Should I use block or point-by-point organizing structures? Subject-by-subject: Focuses on each subject separately. If the comparison is short (a paragraph or two), then the subject-by-subject method is fine. Point-by-Point: Focuses on each attribute separately. Preferable for longer comparisons; there is a risk that a subject-by-subject essay will sound like two separate essays weakly connected with a transitional paragraph or sentence.

Outline – Subject-by-Subject Method I. Introduction a) Hook b) Background Information c) Thesis II.

Outline – Subject-by-Subject Method I. Introduction a) Hook b) Background Information c) Thesis II. BMW a) Price b) Mileage c) Insurance III. Honda Civic a) Price b) Mileage c) Insurance IV. Conclusion a) Emphasize Major Ties b) So What? Evaluate c) Clincher

Paragraph Organization --Subject-by-Subject-Price BMW →→ 2 nd Paragraph Honda Civic →→ rd 3 Paragraph

Paragraph Organization --Subject-by-Subject-Price BMW →→ 2 nd Paragraph Honda Civic →→ rd 3 Paragraph Mileage Insurance

Outline -- Point-by-Point I. Introduction a) Hook b) Background Information c) Thesis II. Price

Outline -- Point-by-Point I. Introduction a) Hook b) Background Information c) Thesis II. Price a) BMW b) Honda III. Mileage a) BMW b) Honda IV. Insurance a) BMW b) Honda IV. Conclusion a) Emphasize Major Ties b) So What? Evaluate c) Clincher

Paragraph Organization --Point by Point -2 nd Paragraph Price 3 rd Paragraph 4 th

Paragraph Organization --Point by Point -2 nd Paragraph Price 3 rd Paragraph 4 th Paragraph Mileage Insurance BMW ↓ ↓ ↓ Honda Civic ↓ ↓ ↓

What are the rules of thumb with comparison and contrast essays? Be sure to

What are the rules of thumb with comparison and contrast essays? Be sure to discuss the same elements for each subject; do not discuss one element for one subject and not do so for the other! Decide either upon subject-by-subject or pointby-point arrangement; do not mix. Have a clear purpose to achieve in the comparison/contrast.

Using Transitions The glue that holds your essay together.

Using Transitions The glue that holds your essay together.

Why do I need to use indicators? Good comparison or contrast essays feature the

Why do I need to use indicators? Good comparison or contrast essays feature the use of transition words to convey to the reader at any given moment whether a comparison or contrast is being made and the nature of it.

Example Indicators To Compare – – – – – also as in the same

Example Indicators To Compare – – – – – also as in the same way likewise similarly comparable equally in addition To Contrast -although -but -even though -however -on the other hand -otherwise -yet -still -conversely -as opposed to -different from -whereas