World Cultures Chapter 1 World cultures is the

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World Cultures Chapter 1

World cultures is the study of the connections between people and their environment Geography is the study of where people, places, and things are located and how they relate to each other

Five Themes of Geography Location Place Interaction between people and their environment Movement Region

Location – position on the Earth’s surface Relative location – describe position Absolute location – use latitude and longitude Latitude – distance north or south of the Equator Longitude – distance east or west of the Prime Meridian – imaginary line that runs through Greenwich England Eastern Hemisphere and Western Hemisphere

Place – physical and human characteristics Physical characteristics landforms, climate, soil, animal life Human characteristics – peoples’ ways of life – activities, transportation, religion, language

Interaction between people and their environment people change the world around them Hidden cost pollution People must decide how to build their economies without harming the environment Adaptation People sometimes have to change due to the environment

Movement of people, goods, and ideas often occurs together Migration people moving from place to place looking for food, a better way of life, war, natural disasters, involuntarily Interdependence of countries on goods, resources, and knowledge from other parts of the world

Region Unifying characteristics Physical characteristics Cultural characteristics Political characteristics Economic characteristics

• Physical characteristics – landforms / climate • Cultural characteristics – shared religion • Political characteristics – nations • Economic characteristics – developed, developing, Third World

Mercator projection Robinson projection Map projections ways of showing the curved Earth on a flat surface Interrupted projection Peters projection

Political map - show the borders that divide nations Physical map - show features - mountains lakes, rivers Natural resource map - shows the location of oil, coal, other important resources Climate map Vegetation map - show the plant life of a place or region

Culture all things that make up a people’s entire way of life Elements of culture Social organization Customs and traditions Language Arts and literature Religion Forms of government Economic systems

Social Organization Organizing members into smaller groups Family is the most important unit of social organization Person with authority varies from one culture to another Family patterns Nuclear family – typical in industrialized societies Extended family – common in many societies Social classes Ranks people in order of status Bases on factor a culture values highly In the past, a person born into a class, stayed in the class for life

Customs and Traditions Rules of behavior Minor rules of everyday behavior are enforced by social pressure Rules concerning what is right and wrong are enforced more strictly often are part of a culture’s written laws Language Cornerstone of culture Arts and Literature Teaches about cultural values

Religion supports the values that the people consider important Monotheism – the worship of one god Polytheism – the worship of more than one god Major religions Hinduism Buddhism Judaism Christianity Islam

Government Provides for common needs Keeps order within society Protects the society from outside threats Types of Government Democracy – people have supreme power, the government may act on by and with consent of the people Republic – the people choose the leaders who represent them Dictatorship – the ruler or group holds power through force

Causes of Cultural Change Technology skills and tools people use Changing environment adapt to changes in environment New ideas alteration of actions Diffusion the movement of customs or ideas from one place to another

Chapter 1 – Section Quizes • Geography • Interdependence • Latitude • Longitude • Location

• Plateau • Climate • Mountain • Topography • Vegetation

• Polytheism • Republic • Dictatorship • Nuclear Family • Culture

• Diffusion • Ethnocentrism • Racism • Subculture • Technology

• How do geographers describe a place? • Examples of how humans interact with their environment. • Why do countries trade? • Why did early people migrate? • Examples of physical regions. • Advantages of globes versus flat maps. • Advantages of flat maps over globes. • Know the major land forms.

• Why do regions around the Equator have warm climates? • Most important unit of social organization. • People wo speak the same language typically share ---. • Important elements of culture. • Purpose of government. • What are three basic economic questions nations must ask?

• How did new technology (tools made with stone and bone) change peoples lives? • Rock-and-Roll came from what cultural region? • How has recent technology quickened the pace of change? • How has technology changed the Traveling People way of life? • How can cultural diffusion combat racism?
Organizational cultures often reflect national culture.
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