Worked Example Worked Example of a Dilute Phase

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Worked Example

Worked Example

Worked Example of a Dilute Phase Conveying Systems Design 10 metric tons/hr of polyethylene

Worked Example of a Dilute Phase Conveying Systems Design 10 metric tons/hr of polyethylene particles are to be conveyed over a piping system with 125 meters of distance, 40 vertical feet and 4 short radius bends. Max Discharge Velocity = 28 m/s Max Temperature from Blower = 75 C Particles are 2 x 2 mm cylinders Density 920 kg/m 3 2

6 4 Collector 5 Feeder 2 Roots Blower 3 1 3

6 4 Collector 5 Feeder 2 Roots Blower 3 1 3

Blower Characteristics 4

Blower Characteristics 4

Equivalent Diameter 5

Equivalent Diameter 5

Particle Velocity 6

Particle Velocity 6

Solids Friction Factor 7

Solids Friction Factor 7

Gas Friction Factor-fg 8

Gas Friction Factor-fg 8

Pressure Drop in Bends and at Acceleration 9

Pressure Drop in Bends and at Acceleration 9

Pressure Drop for Gas and Solids 10

Pressure Drop for Gas and Solids 10

Need to find D of the Pipe to accommodate the pressure available Note: Need

Need to find D of the Pipe to accommodate the pressure available Note: Need to account for pressure loses due to entering gas, silencer an collection device. 11

Procedure Need to start at the end of the pipeline where the system pressure

Procedure Need to start at the end of the pipeline where the system pressure and velocity are specified. Take the value of the conditions at the end of each pipe section when applying over each pipe section. 12

Assume D and perform the pressure loss calculations on all sections including the bends

Assume D and perform the pressure loss calculations on all sections including the bends and the acceleration region. Care needs to be taken to choose pipe sizes that are standard. 13

Results Section 5 -6 Length Ug Up m m/s 15 28 21. 6 Voidage

Results Section 5 -6 Length Ug Up m m/s 15 28 21. 6 Voidage Gas Den kg/m 3 0. 968 1. 2 Press-section end k. Pa 103 1. 87 Bend 4 -5 0. 07 10 27. 4 21. 3 0. 967 1. 22 104. 6 Bend 3 -4 40 27. 1 20. 8 0. 967 1. 23 121. 1 16. 61 0. 067 25 23. 4 17. 1 0. 96 1. 435 123. 7 Bend 1 -2 1. 282 0. 068 Bend 2 -3 Press Drop 2. 47 0. 056 35 22. 9 16. 6 0. 959 1. 47 136. 6 12. 84 14