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WJEC A Level Music MU 6 APPRAISING – PART 2: Historical and Analytical Study RAVEL

RAVEL – Piano Concerto in G major Question One Candidates are required to listen to excerpts from the set work. They are required to respond fully to the questions, applying the knowledge gained through detailed study of the set work. Question Two Candidates are required to write an essay which will focus on the development of the form and on a recognition of the influences which maintain continuity and cause change, placing the set work within a broader musical perspective.

Essential Materials: The score The edition used for this analysis was published by EDITIONS DURAND [DR 1215000]. This will be available online and from all good music shops. The recording There are various recording of this piece available. The important thing is that you have your own copy!

Preparation for analysis The concerto • File any useful notes from the AS course on concertos! • List the names of any composers famous for their concertos. Ravel the composer • Research the man and his music. • Make useful points about his musical style and list his most famous works. Listen to the set work carefully • Follow the score: as a class, then a few times on your own! • Discuss: What are your initial thoughts and reactions to this piece?

Putting the work in context. Background Information Carefully file your research, and any information on the work and the composer you may have collected. You should also read and save the general background notes available in this project. Completing worksheets There are worksheets available to download to assist with your understanding of this information.

The Analysis MOVEMENT I : Allegremente MOVEMENT II : Adagio Assai MOVEMENT III: Presto The teacher will guide all students through the process of analysis. Follow the suggested procedure for each movement in turn. The provided notes may be used as a guideline – additional information and details may be added as required for clarification. • Follow the score in class while listening. • Identify the structure and mark in the sections in the score. • Work through the analysis, annotating the score in as much detail as possible. • Use post-it notes to add extra information in your score if necessary! • Complete the worksheets after each movement has been completed. • Discuss the answers in class.

Reading the score – a note! Students should be made aware of all the transposing instruments used in this orchestra, as reading the score and realising keys and harmonies can be tricky. It is a good idea to write the following hints in the front of the score, on the orchestral list in order to assist understanding. CORNO INGLESE COR ANGLAIS: sounds a 5 th lower than written. CLARINET in Mi CLARINET in E : sounds a minor 3 rd higher than written. CLARINET in Si CLARINET in B : sounds a tone lower than written. CORNI IN F HORNS IN F: sounds a 4 th higher (or a 5 th lower) than written. TROMBA IN D TRUMPET IN D: sounds a tone higher than written.

Identify the main features of Ravel’s musical style! MOVEMENT ONE

Identify the main features of Ravel’s musical style! MOVEMENT TWO

Identify the main features of Ravel’s musical style! MOVEMENT THREE

MOVEMENT 1: Identify the main sections, and give bar numbers.

MOVEMENT 2: Identify the main sections, and give bar numbers.

MOVEMENT 3: Identify the main sections, and give bar numbers.
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