Wind Facts Wind Energy The Facts Wind Facts

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Wind. Facts • Wind Energy – The Facts (Wind. Facts) • November 2007 -

Wind. Facts • Wind Energy – The Facts (Wind. Facts) • November 2007 - October 2009 (24 months) • Contract Number: EIE/07/230/SI 2. 466850 1

Wind. Facts EWEA is the voice of the wind industry, actively promoting the utilisation

Wind. Facts EWEA is the voice of the wind industry, actively promoting the utilisation of wind power v Consortium: EWEA (Belgium, coordinator), Garrad Hassan (UK), DTU (Denmark), GWEC (Belgium), CIEMAT in Europe and worldwide for the past 25(Spain), years. NTUA (Greece), EEG (Austria), VIP (Sweden), FEE (France) v Other participants: Emerging Energy Research (Spain), Hungarian Wind Energy Association (Hungary), Latvian Wind Energy Association (Latvia), Romanian Wind Energy Association (Romania) OBJECTIVE Create a series of information and dissemination tools which will contribute to overcome non technological wind energy barriers To become the Reference on wind energy information 2

Wind. Facts …a two step approach WP 1 Management (EWEA) STEP 1 A Months

Wind. Facts …a two step approach WP 1 Management (EWEA) STEP 1 A Months 1 -10 WP 2 WP 3 WP 4 WP 5 WP 6 WP 7 Technology Grid Integration Economics of Wind Industry & Markets Scenarios & Targets (DTU) (GWEC) Environmen t (Garrad Hassan) (EWEA) STEP 1 B Month 12 STEP 2 Months 13 -24 (NTUA) (CIEMAT) WP 8 Publications & Website (EWEA) Wind Energy - The Facts WP 9 Workshops France, Hungary, Latvia, Romania and Sweden (EWEA) WP 10 Dissemination (EWEA) 3

Wind. Facts Expected results • Raise awareness of decisions-makers at local, regional, national and

Wind. Facts Expected results • Raise awareness of decisions-makers at local, regional, national and European level • Raise awareness among citizens • Provide clear, reliable and updated information usable for training and education purposes • Assess risks and benefits associated to wind energy projects, thus stimulating public and private investment in wind power 4

Contact: Zoé Wildiers EWEA - European Wind Energy Association 63 -65 Rue d'Arlon B-1040

Contact: Zoé Wildiers EWEA - European Wind Energy Association 63 -65 Rue d'Arlon B-1040 Brussels Tel: +32 2 546 19 88 Fax: +32 2 546 19 44 Email: zoe. wildiers@ewea. org 5