WIDA ACCESS and MCAS Analysis Drilling Deep LOOKING
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WIDA ACCESS and MCAS Analysis: Drilling Deep LOOKING AT DISTRICT, SCHOOL AND GRADE ASSESSMENT SCORES IN ORDER TO DEVELOP AN ACTION PLAN Ann Feldman and Bill Guthlein MELLC Meeting Presentation / October 17, 2014
ZOOM! By Istvan Banyai: In Reverse!
Itinerary/Agenda for This Session 1. Review of Objectives for This Presentation 2. Setting the Stage: Waltham’s Growing ELL Population and Title III Summer Work 3. Student Growth Percentile Formulas 4. District Level: ACCESS SGPs and Domain Scores 5. District Level: MCAS SGPs and Achievement Levels 6. School Level: ACCESS SGPs Per School and Per Grade 7. Action Plan for Targeted Schools /Director’s Student SMART Goal 8. Slideshow: Data Detective Episode: Mystery of Poor MCAS Math Performance at Kennedy Middle School 9. 3 -2 -1 Exit Ticket: 3 Things You Learned, 2 Ways You Will Incorporate What You Learned in Your Own District, 1 Question You Have Moving Forward.
Language Objective We will use the following technical vocabulary and expressions indicating analysis when looking at Waltham’s ACCESS and MCAS data. �CPI: Composite � These facts suggest that……. Performance Index �SGP: Student Growth Percentile �ELP: English Language Proficiency �Domains deduce that …… � This is significant because……. . � We can interpret ……. as……… � After careful examination of. . . it appears that. . � Given the evidence, we can http: //www. htsb. org/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Academic-Language-Functions-toolkit. pdf
Looking at Waltham Public Schools’ ELL Growth �Waltham’s ELL population has grown to include close to 200 more students in October, 2014 versus during the 2013/2014 school year. #s of ELLs 1000 800 600 400 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Waltham 481 475 508 603 620 731 903
ELL Population at Each School – 902 Students (10. 1. 14)
Title III Summer Grant � With this growing ELL population, it was time to figure out where to target our efforts. � Funding was approved for summer work on analyzing data. � Bill Guthlein from WJG Associates, data specialist, worked with me to look at ACCESS and MCAS scores. � This investigation became the “fuel” for school and district improvement plans.
Student Growth Percentile (SGP) Formulas Although we did look at English language proficiency (ELP) levels across the district , we decided to concentrate primarily on how students improved vis-àvis their English language acquisition from the 2013 to the 2014 ACCESS administration: � 1% to 19% = VERY LOW GROWTH � 20% to 39% = LOW GROWTH � 40% to 59% = MODERATE GROWTH � 60% to 79% = HIGH GROWTH � 80% to 99% = VERY HIGH GROWTH
District Level
ACCESS SGP and Domain Scores
ACCESS SGP Across Grades Grade SGP median SGP (#students) ACCESS (#students) 1 59. 5 2 54. 0 3 51. 5 4 57. 0 5 60. 0 6 59. 0 7 54. 0 8 50. 0 9 24. 0 10 41. 0 11 42. 0 12 51. 0 110 97 62 40 25 9 18 21 9 17 22 21 130 108 76 51 32 20 23 29 22 32 30 21 • Grade 1, 5, 6 growth was well above state average, on border of High Growth (60+ SGP). • All other grades -except for 9 th graders who represent only 9 students – were in Moderate Growth range of 40 - 60 SGP. • SGP median for all grades in Waltham PS is 53, better than the statewide median of 50.
English Language Proficiency Domains Across Grades Listening K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Speaking Reading Writing 4. 2 3. 4 1. 9 1. 8 4. 1 3. 5 2. 8 4. 7 4. 1 4. 5 3. 0 4. 7 3. 9 4. 4 4. 0 5. 2 4. 1 4. 6 4. 4 5. 0 4. 5 4. 2 4. 1 3. 4 3. 1 3. 3 4. 2 4. 5 3. 4 3. 6 4. 0 3. 5 3. 6 3. 2 3. 3 2. 7 3. 6 3. 4 2. 9 3. 4 3. 3 3. 2 2. 9 3. 5 3. 6 3. 5 3. 2 3. 5
English Language Proficiency Domains There is a trend upward through 5 th grade; many students exit out of the program after graduating from elementary school and domains are lower. Also, looking at newly-arrived ELLs, there is a large influx in 6 th and 9 th grades.
Example Analysis of Reading Language Domain Reading: � Kindergartners have the lowest reading proficiency level of all grades. Students are just learning how to read and write in this grade level and perhaps is to be expected 6 months after entering the district. Grade level 1 has a jump to 3. 5 and, by the second grade, the average proficiency is at level 4. 5. The average reading proficiency levels in grades 2 – 5 is 4. 4. �Reading proficiency was the lowest in grades 9 – 12. This domain has the lowest proficiency levels district-wide (other than in Kindergarten) The average reading proficiency level district-wide is 2. 9.
MCAS Scores / SGP and Achievement Levels
MCAS ELA Median SGP by Year for Waltham’s ELLs District Report PE-305 SGP on MCAS ELA: Median SGP From 2012 to 2014 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Waltham ALL Waltham ELL State ELL 2012 55 53 49 2013 60 36 51 2014 60 60 52 ELL students’ growth in ELA accelerated tremendously (24 percentile points) in 2014 from the prior year. ELA SGP of 60 is considered at the border of high growth. In 2014 Waltham ELLs’ SGP surpassed that of the state’s median SGP for all ELLs and is equal to all Waltham students.
MCAS Math Median SGP by Year for Waltham’s ELLs District Report PE-305 MCAS Math: Median SGP From 2012 to 2014 SGP on MCAS Math 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Waltham ALL Waltham ELL State ELL 2012 55 46. 5 51 2013 60 48 51 2014 60 57 50 ELL students’ growth in Math has been accelerating from 2012 to 2014. Math SGP of 57 is considered at the border of high growth. For the first time, Waltham ELLs’ median SGP has surpassed that of the state’s median SGP for all ELLs. ELL Math growth climbed +9 (to 57 median SGP) even as growth declined -4 among all students.
District Achievement Distribution by Year ELA District Report PE-305
District Achievement Distribution by Year Math District Report PE-305
Sample of Analysis of ELL MCAS Achievement Levels �In the last year the Waltham ELL subgroup improved its achievement level in English Language Arts but Mathematics remained flat as measured by the Composite Performance Index or CPI. A CPI of 100 indicates proficiency (or above). The ELL group's 2014 ELA CPI improved by 5. 5 points to 50. 2. Notwithstanding the improvement, the district's English Learners are somewhat less proficient than ELL students statewide. �There is a significant gap in Math proficiency (13. 5 points) between the district's ELL students and the statewide group.
Celebrating our ELLs’ Growth at Convocation “This year, for the first time, there is a measure to determine the growth in English skills experienced by our English Language Learner students relative to other Massachusetts students in this subgroup (ACCESS 2013 to 2014). District wide the median growth was 53, above the statewide average. Fifth graders achieved a median growth of 60 which is considered “high growth” performance by state educators. First graders and sixth graders also did well scoring median growth of 59. 5 and 59, respectively. Success in learning English is tied to success in the curriculum. This year English Language Learners in the district showed strong growth on MCAS tests scoring a 60 growth percentile in English Language Arts and 57 in Math when measured to the total student population in the state. ”
School Level: Elementary
WIDA ACCESS Median SGP by School Northeast Median SGP # students with SGP results % of 1 st Years 79 22 William Stanley 70 62 Douglas Macarthur 67 29 Henry Whittemore 56 121 James Fitzgerald 39. 5 44 Thomas R Plympton 38. 5 60 43% 9% 9% 24% 7% 9% Students at two schools - Fitzgerald and Plympton - recorded SGP of just below 40. Statewide average SGP is 50. Attention should be paid on why there is slow growth at these schools compared to others in the district. We will “drill down” to the grade level to try to pinpoint focus areas for improvement.
Student Growth Percentile by School by Grade Note: Green and Red boxes indicate significant SGPs (+ and -) given the number of students in that particular cohort Grade 1 2 3 4 5 School Average Growth Percentile Northeast 93 64 52 95 91 William F Stanley 73 77 59 92 75 79 70 Northeast 6 11 2 2 1 William F Stanley 28 15 12 5 2 22 62 Douglas Macarthur Henry Whittemore 62 71 84 36 34 52 81 57 66 41 67 56 James Fitzgerald Thomas R Plympton 20 26 48 53 64 42 28 39 64 57 40 39 Student Count Grade 1 2 3 4 5 School Student Numbers Douglas Macarthur Henry Whittemore 9 37 6 27 5 24 5 19 4 14 29 121 James Fitzgerald Thomas R Plympton 11 19 17 21 11 9 4 7 1 4 44 60
Sample Analysis of Schools’ SGP by Grade � First grade growth was weak at Fitgerald and Plympton. Both are below the 30 th percentile SGP. As these are also grades with the most students, focusing efforts here may have the most impact. � On the other hand first grade growth is strong at Stanley and Whittemore. Northeast had remarkable 93 SGP but there were only six students with reported scores. � Whittemore's relatively large second grade cohort (n=27) reported the lowest second grade SGP of 36 across the district. This looks like another area to focus on. It is important to keep in mind that the greatest percentage of second grade students were in a class with a long term substitute teacher last year. � Stanley had superior SGP consistent throughout the grades. Their model is almost exclusively an inclusive-pull out model as is Northeast’s program. Note that Northeast’s SGP cohort was made up of only 22 students versus Stanley’s which had 62 students.
Student SMART Goal � During the 2014 -2015 school year, I will work collaboratively with district administrators and teachers to increase the SGP on the WIDA ACCESS test from 40 and 39 at Fitzgerald and Plympton Elementary Schools (reflected on the Spring 2014 ACCESS scores) to 50 or above for each of these schools (as reflected on the Spring 2015 ACCESS scores).
Action Plan Includes: � Sharing data with the principals at targeted two schools. Share data with individual teachers. � Principals may choose to delve deeper into possible reasons for minimal growth: ELL-SWD, socioeconomic levels, staffing considerations, program models, etc. � Ongoing observations and follow-up conversations with teachers and administrators. � Pre- and post- REACH unit assessments /tracking student progress. � Targeted professional development based on observations. � Administration of ACCESS and analysis in May 2015. � Re-evaluation of program models in schools.
3 -2 -1 Exit Ticket
Questions? Comments?
Thank you For Listening!
Contact Information Bill Guthlein WJG Associates 978. 263. 1386 Ann Feldman Waltham Public Schools 781. 314. 5498 wjgassociates@verizon. net william. guthlein@verizon. net annfeldman@k 12. waltham. ma. us
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