WHMIS Awareness Training WHMIS Awareness Training WHMIS Workplace

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WHMIS Awareness Training

WHMIS Awareness Training

WHMIS Awareness Training • WHMIS – Workplace Hazard Material Information System – is a

WHMIS Awareness Training • WHMIS – Workplace Hazard Material Information System – is a federal program • A WHMIS program ensures that the information about hazardous products is effectively communicated to workers. • Effective communication of information means that workers understand the WHMIS system, know the hazards of the products they work with, know and apply the safe work procedures specific to their jobs and tasks, and know how to respond in an emergency. • In this session, Manpower is providing you awareness information Manpower 2

WHMIS 2015

WHMIS 2015

WHMIS 2015 – What’s New? WHMIS has incorporated GHS elements, resulting in new standardized:

WHMIS 2015 – What’s New? WHMIS has incorporated GHS elements, resulting in new standardized: Ø Classification criteria Ø Label requirements Ø Safety Data Sheets (SDS) requirements (formerly material safety data sheet) Manpower 4

WHMIS 2015 - Classification WHMIS 2015 incorporates physical and health hazard classes from the

WHMIS 2015 - Classification WHMIS 2015 incorporates physical and health hazard classes from the GHS and retains the Bio hazardous Infectious Materials hazard class. Ø Physical Hazard Class: based on the physical or chemical properties of the product – such as flammability, reactivity, or corrosively to metals Ø Health Hazard Class: based on the ability of the product to cause a health effect – such as eye irritation, respiratory sensitization (may cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled), or carcinogenicity (may cause cancer). Manpower 5

WHMIS 2015 -Awareness Training Physical Hazards • Flammable gases • Flammable aerosols • Oxidizing

WHMIS 2015 -Awareness Training Physical Hazards • Flammable gases • Flammable aerosols • Oxidizing gases • Gases under pressure • Flammable liquids • Flammable solids • Self-reactive substances and mixtures • Pyrophoric liquids • Pyrophoric solids Manpower 6

WHMIS 2015 -Awareness Training Physical Hazards(continued) • Self-heating substances and mixtures • Substances and

WHMIS 2015 -Awareness Training Physical Hazards(continued) • Self-heating substances and mixtures • Substances and mixtures which, in contact with water, emit flammable gases • Oxidizing liquids • Oxidizing solids • Organic peroxides • Corrosive to metals • Combustible dusts • Simple asphyxiants • Pyrophoric gases • Manpower Physical hazards not otherwise classified 7

WHMIS 2015 -Awareness Training Health Hazards • Acute toxicity • Skin corrosion/irritation • Serious

WHMIS 2015 -Awareness Training Health Hazards • Acute toxicity • Skin corrosion/irritation • Serious eye damage/eye irritation • Respiratory or skin sensitization • Germ cell mutagenicity • Carcinogenicity • Reproductive toxicity Manpower 8

WHMIS 2015 -Awareness Training Health Hazards (continued) • Specific target organ toxicity – single

WHMIS 2015 -Awareness Training Health Hazards (continued) • Specific target organ toxicity – single exposure • Specific target organ toxicity – repeated exposure • Aspiration hazard • Biohazardous infectious materials • Health hazards not otherwise classified Manpower 9

WHMIS 2015 – Classification Pictograms Manpower 10

WHMIS 2015 – Classification Pictograms Manpower 10

WHMIS 2015 – Product Labels • In Canada, WHMIS legislation requires that products used

WHMIS 2015 – Product Labels • In Canada, WHMIS legislation requires that products used in the workplace that meet the criteria to be classified as hazardous products must be labelled. • Labels are the first alert to the user about the major hazards associated with that product, and outline the basic precautions or safety steps that should be taken. • Signal words – Danger" is used for high risk hazards, while "Warning" is used for less severe hazards. – If a signal word is assigned to a hazard class and category, it must be shown on the label, and listed in section 2 (Hazards Identification) of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Manpower 11

WHMIS 2015 -Awareness Training Supplier Labels The product label is the first source of

WHMIS 2015 -Awareness Training Supplier Labels The product label is the first source of information about the hazards of a product and how to use it safety. In WHMIS 2015 supplier labels must consist of 6 sections. They must be in English and French, easy to read and durable. If the label is lost, damaged, or no longer readable the product must be relabeled. The pictogram(s), signal works and hazard statement(s) must be grouped together on a label. *A secondary supplier label should only be applied to a product ONLY if, the hazard is being transferred into another container, when a hazardous chemical is being stored in a secondary container and or when the label on the hazard is lost or damaged. * Example Supplier Label: Manpower 12

WHMIS 2015 -Awareness Training The 6 sections that must be displayed on a label:

WHMIS 2015 -Awareness Training The 6 sections that must be displayed on a label: 1) Product Identifier: the product name exactly as it appears on the container on the safety data sheet (SDS) 2) Hazard Pictograms: Hazard pictograms, determined by the hazard classification of the product. In some cases, no pictogram is required. 3) Signal Word (NEW): “Danger” or “Warning” is used to emphasize hazards and indicate the severity of the hazard. 4) Hazard Statements: Brief standardized statements of all hazards based on the hazard classification of the product. Manpower 13

WHMIS 2015 -Awareness Training 5) Precautionary Statements: These statements describe recommended measures to minimize

WHMIS 2015 -Awareness Training 5) Precautionary Statements: These statements describe recommended measures to minimize or prevent adverse effects from exposure to the product, including protective equipment and emergency measures. First Aid is included in the precautionary information. 6) Supplier Identifier: The company which made, packaged, sold or imported the product, and is responsible for the label and SDS. Contact the supplier for additional product information. NEW Signal words-”Danger” or “Warning-what do they mean? "Danger" is used for high risk hazards, while "Warning" is used for less severe hazards. If a signal word is assigned to a hazard class and category, it must be shown on the label, and listed in section 2 (Hazards Identification) of the Safety Data Sheet (SDS). Manpower 14

WHMIS 2015 – Safety Data Sheets (SDS) • A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is

WHMIS 2015 – Safety Data Sheets (SDS) • A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is a technical document that provides detailed information about the hazards, uses and risk management of a specific hazardous material or product in the workplace. • SDS’s protect workers by providing information on a hazardous material including physical and health hazards, safe use and storage, signs of exposure, and what to do in case of emergency • Manpower Associates use SDS’s to protect themselves from hazards, to reference safe handling and storage procedures, and to determine first aid and other emergency measures. *Note: Environmental Hazards & Explosives is a third group that has not been adopted in Canada but information may still appear on labels & SDS’s* Manpower 15

WHMIS 2015 -SDS (Safety Data Sheets) SDS Section 1. ) Identification 7. ) Handling

WHMIS 2015 -SDS (Safety Data Sheets) SDS Section 1. ) Identification 7. ) Handling and storage 2. ) Hazard Identification 8. ) Exposure controls/personal protection 3. ) Composition/information on ingredients 9. ) Physical and chemical properties 4. ) First-aid measures 10. ) Stability and reactivity 5. ) Fire-fighting measure 11. ) Toxicological information (short & long term effects) 6. ) Accidental release measure 12. ) Ecological information* Manpower 13. ) Disposal considerations* 16

WHMIS 2015 -SDS (Safety Data Sheets) SDS Section SDS Example: 14. ) Transport information*

WHMIS 2015 -SDS (Safety Data Sheets) SDS Section SDS Example: 14. ) Transport information* 15. ) Regulatory information* 16. ) Other information *sections 12 to 15 require the heading to be present. The supplier has the option to not provide information in these sections. Manpower 17

Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

WHMIS 2015 Remember: It is important to remember that every worker has a duty

WHMIS 2015 Remember: It is important to remember that every worker has a duty to do the following: ü Participate in WHMIS training programs ü Take necessary steps to protect themselves and their co-workers ü Participate in site specific WHMIS training at each of Manpower’s client’s sites ü And participate in identifying and controlling hazards at each work site Manpower 19