What is a adjective An adjective modifies a

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What is a adjective? An adjective modifies a noun or pronoun. brown loud beach

What is a adjective? An adjective modifies a noun or pronoun. brown loud beach happy

Adjectives • Adjectives answer the following questions: How many? How much? What kind? Which

Adjectives • Adjectives answer the following questions: How many? How much? What kind? Which one? • The articles a, and the are adjectives.

Position of Adjectives • Adjectives appear 90% of the time before the noun they

Position of Adjectives • Adjectives appear 90% of the time before the noun they modify. Ex: The silly cat leaped over the fence. • 10% of the time they appear after the noun they modify. Ex: The cat was very fast.

When looking for Adjectives… • Follow these steps: 1. Find the subject and nouns.

When looking for Adjectives… • Follow these steps: 1. Find the subject and nouns. 2. Find the adjectives.

Find the adjectives The bald teacher handed out the white papers. 1

Find the adjectives The bald teacher handed out the white papers. 1

The laptop computer has a blue screen and a black screen. 2

The laptop computer has a blue screen and a black screen. 2

The big yellow bus went down the wrong road. 3

The big yellow bus went down the wrong road. 3

The crazy plane will crash quickly. 4

The crazy plane will crash quickly. 4

That big bad dog frequently chased the scared little boys up trees. 5

That big bad dog frequently chased the scared little boys up trees. 5

Mom and dad always help me with my English homework. 6

Mom and dad always help me with my English homework. 6

The two doctors visited the sick patient at the community hospital. 7

The two doctors visited the sick patient at the community hospital. 7

The football team won the big game easily! 8

The football team won the big game easily! 8

The little brown cat sometimes has bad hair. 9

The little brown cat sometimes has bad hair. 9

The happy little green and yellow bug is smiling. 10

The happy little green and yellow bug is smiling. 10

s b r e v d A

s b r e v d A

Adverbs Definition: Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. • Adverbs answer the following

Adverbs Definition: Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. • Adverbs answer the following questions: Where, When, Why, & Under what condition

Adverbs • Adverbs frequently end in –ly, but not all the time. Some words

Adverbs • Adverbs frequently end in –ly, but not all the time. Some words that end in –ly can also be an adjective. • When looking for adverbs, follow these steps: 1. Find the nouns. 2. Find the verbs. 3. Find the adjectives. 4. Finally, find the adverbs.

Find the Adverbs 1. I really believe him. 2. He literally wrecked his mother's

Find the Adverbs 1. I really believe him. 2. He literally wrecked his mother's car. 3. She simply ignored me.

4. The teacher completely rejected her proposal. 5. I absolutely refuse to attend any

4. The teacher completely rejected her proposal. 5. I absolutely refuse to attend any more faculty meetings. 6. I so wanted to go with them. 7. We know this city well.