What do each of these events have in

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What do each of these events have in common?

What do each of these events have in common?

d nar y a M f o n io t c e on l

d nar y a M f o n io t c e on l s E k c Ja Sibley Comm ission Marc h Wash on ingto n Influential Events of the Civil Rights Movement C C N S b l A any v o M t n e em Civil Desegregati Right s Act on of the Un iversity of G eorgia

Essential Question: How did national and political events influence the Civil Rights Movement, its

Essential Question: How did national and political events influence the Civil Rights Movement, its outcome, and Georgia?

SS 8 H 11 a. Describe major developments in civil rights and Georgia’s role

SS 8 H 11 a. Describe major developments in civil rights and Georgia’s role during the 1940 s and 1950 s; include the roles of Herman Talmadge, Benjamin Mays, the 1946 governor’s race and then end of the white primary, Brown v. Board of Education, Martin Luther King, Jr. , and the 1956 state flag. SS 8 H 11 b. Analyze the role Georgia and prominent Georgians played in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960 s and 1970 s; include such events as the founding of the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Sibley Commission, admission of Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter to the University of Georgia, Albany Movement, March on Washington Civil Rights Act, the election of Maynard Jackson as mayor of Atlanta, and the role of Lester Maddox. SS 8 H 11 c. Discuss the impact of Andrew Young on Georgia.

There are many important events and people of the Civil Rights Movement. We will

There are many important events and people of the Civil Rights Movement. We will focus on the most significant events and those which involved Georgia.

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Segregated Schools in the 1950 s

Segregated Schools in the 1950 s

Brown v. Board of Education In 1954, the U. S. Supreme Court declared segregated

Brown v. Board of Education In 1954, the U. S. Supreme Court declared segregated schools to be unconstitutional. The Georgia General Assembly was opposed to this ruling and declared the decision null (useless) and void (reject).

Brown v. Board of Education The Georgia General Assembly threatened to stop funding, and

Brown v. Board of Education The Georgia General Assembly threatened to stop funding, and in some cases, allow the Governor to close any school that desegregated. A year after the Brown verdict, another court case ruled that schools must be desegregated with “all deliberate speed” which allowed southern states to take their time desegregating schools.

Educational Segregation in the U. S. prior to Brown

Educational Segregation in the U. S. prior to Brown

Brown v. Board of Education

Brown v. Board of Education

Brown v. Board of Education Select one of the following: Brown: A Landmark Case

Brown v. Board of Education Select one of the following: Brown: A Landmark Case [6: 56] Brown v. Board of Education in PBS’ The Supreme Court [4: 53]

Brown v. Board of Education Turn to an elbow partner and discuss the following:

Brown v. Board of Education Turn to an elbow partner and discuss the following: What were the advantages and disadvantages of the Brown v. Board of Education ruling?

Sibley Commission After the Brown v. Board of Education supreme court decision, the Georgia

Sibley Commission After the Brown v. Board of Education supreme court decision, the Georgia General Assembly supported “massive resistance” to the desegregation of Georgia’s public schools. The Governor at the time was faced with the choice of following federal mandates (orders) or closing Georgia’s public schools. He wanted the input of voters to help make a decision.

Sibley Commission A committee was created to investigate Georgian’s opinions on the matter. John

Sibley Commission A committee was created to investigate Georgian’s opinions on the matter. John Sibley, a segregationist lawyer, led 10 hearings across the state to determine if Georgians felt that they should continue to resist the federal government or change laws to integrate schools.

Sibley Commission After the sessions, 60% of Georgians claimed that they would rather close

Sibley Commission After the sessions, 60% of Georgians claimed that they would rather close the public schools than to integrate. Despite the findings, Sibley pushed for schools in Georgia to desegregate on a limited basis. The governor asked the General Assembly to accept Sibley’s recommendations after his failed attempts to close the University of Georgia.

Sibley Commission How did the findings from the Sibley Commission explain the public’s reaction

Sibley Commission How did the findings from the Sibley Commission explain the public’s reaction to the Brown v. Board of Education ruling?

The Brown v. Board of Education verdict was in 1954, but it was not

The Brown v. Board of Education verdict was in 1954, but it was not until 1961 that Atlanta became the first system to integrate. Ten years later, all school systems in the state were desegregated.

Desegregation of the University of Georgia In 1959, Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter applied

Desegregation of the University of Georgia In 1959, Hamilton Holmes and Charlayne Hunter applied for college to the University of Georgia.

Desegregation of the University of Georgia They were not accepted by the university based

Desegregation of the University of Georgia They were not accepted by the university based on their race, but the university claimed it was due to lack of housing along with Holmes “evasiveness” during a campus interview. http: //dp. la/exhibitions/exhibits/show/activism/education-activism/university-desegregation The two students brought their case to federal court and after three weeks, the court ruled in their favor. They began classes in January 1961.

Desegregation of the University of Georgia Soon after arriving on campus, a mob of

Desegregation of the University of Georgia Soon after arriving on campus, a mob of students, locals, and members of the KKK started a riot on campus and threw bricks and rocks through Hunter’s dorm window. https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=QBo 9 Jrm 2 Y 9 g The Georgia state patrol escorted them back to Atlanta, but a few days later the court ruled that they be allowed to return. Both graduated from the University.

Throughout the 1960 s, civil rights groups worked to bring equality to Georgia. The

Throughout the 1960 s, civil rights groups worked to bring equality to Georgia. The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) created by Martin Luther King, Jr. was one group. Another was the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC).

Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) A national organization formed in North Carolina, it worked

Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) A national organization formed in North Carolina, it worked with the SCLC and focused on organizing peaceful non-violent protest. The group, made up of high school and college-aged students, became known for sit-ins, freedom rides, and the “freedom summer” in Mississippi.

Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) CNN: SNCC’s legacy: A civil rights history [5: 56]

Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) CNN: SNCC’s legacy: A civil rights history [5: 56]

Albany Movement The Albany Movement involved several civil rights organizations like the NAACP and

Albany Movement The Albany Movement involved several civil rights organizations like the NAACP and SNCC. Their goal was to end all types of segregation in the city of Albany, Ga. from buses and trains to libraries, hospitals, and juries. The groups used methods such as mass demonstrations, sit-ins, and boycotts.

Albany Movement By late 1961, more than 500 protestors had been arrested. Albany’s police

Albany Movement By late 1961, more than 500 protestors had been arrested. Albany’s police chief was careful to keep the peace and avoid negative publicity. Martin Luther King, Jr. came to Albany to lend his support and bring national attention to the cause. He was jailed along with the protestors. Even with his influence, desegregation efforts failed in Albany.

Albany Movement http: //www. myfoxal. com/story/16047367/recallingthe-hisotry-of-the-albany-movement [8: 17] https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=F 7

Albany Movement http: //www. myfoxal. com/story/16047367/recallingthe-hisotry-of-the-albany-movement [8: 17] https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=F 7 d. GWAY 2 Ac. M [3: 44] Desegregation of the http: //dp. la/exhibitions/exhibits/show/activism/movements/ University of Georgia albany-movement [Various clips about the Albany Movement]

The March on Washington In 1963, over 250, 000 civil rights activists gathered in

The March on Washington In 1963, over 250, 000 civil rights activists gathered in Washington, D. C. to promote their cause and push for civil rights legislation. During the march, Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his famous “I Have A Dream” speech. The March on Washington led to the passage of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

The March on Washington History Specials: King Leads the March on Washington [3: 21

The March on Washington History Specials: King Leads the March on Washington [3: 21 linked in ppt] “I Have a Dream” Speech shortened with words and music [3: 41 linked in ppt] Desegregation of the Martin. University Luther King of “I Have a Dream” Full Georgia Speech [17: 28]

Due in part to the March on Washington, the United States Congress passed Civil

Due in part to the March on Washington, the United States Congress passed Civil Rights Legislation.

Examining Civil Rights Legislation Desegregation of the University of Georgia

Examining Civil Rights Legislation Desegregation of the University of Georgia

The Civil Rights Acts The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended unequal voter registration,

The Civil Rights Acts The Civil Rights Act of 1964 ended unequal voter registration, racial segregation in schools, workplace, and facilities. It also forbade discrimination on the basis of sex and race in hiring, promoting, and firing.

The Civil Rights Acts The Voting Rights Act of 1965 prohibited states from imposing

The Civil Rights Acts The Voting Rights Act of 1965 prohibited states from imposing voting qualifications or deny the right of any citizen of the U. S. to vote on account of race or color.

Civil Rights Acts Turn to an elbow partner and discuss the following: How did

Civil Rights Acts Turn to an elbow partner and discuss the following: How did the daily life of African Americans change because of the Civil Rights Acts?

The struggle for civil rights in Georgia continued throughout the 1960 s. During the

The struggle for civil rights in Georgia continued throughout the 1960 s. During the next two decades, several influential figures rose to power and made additional contributions to Civil Rights.

Lester Maddox

Lester Maddox

Lester Maddox He believed in states’ rights and segregation He became a public figure

Lester Maddox He believed in states’ rights and segregation He became a public figure when he refused to serve African Americans in his Atlanta restaurant in defiance of the Civil Rights Act. He closed his restaurant rather than obey the law. Georgia Capitol Tour Lester Maddox [2: 10]

Lester Maddox In 1966, he ran for Governor, but neither candidate won a majority.

Lester Maddox In 1966, he ran for Governor, but neither candidate won a majority. So, the General Assembly elected Maddox. He was Governor of Georgia from 1967 to 1971.

Lester Maddox Surprisingly, he put more African Americans into government jobs than ever before

Lester Maddox Surprisingly, he put more African Americans into government jobs than ever before He supported prison reform and increased spending for Georgia’s universities He had a monthly event where citizens were allowed to speak with the governor (“Little People’s Days”)

Think, Pair, Share Was Lester Maddox good for Georgia? Why or why not? Did

Think, Pair, Share Was Lester Maddox good for Georgia? Why or why not? Did Lester Maddox help or hinder the Civil Rights Movement?

Maynard Jackson

Maynard Jackson

Maynard Jackson At the age of 35, Maynard Jackson became the first African -American

Maynard Jackson At the age of 35, Maynard Jackson became the first African -American mayor of a major southern city He served as mayor of Atlanta from 1973 -1981 and again from 1990 -1994

Maynard Jackson He was helpful in providing more contract work to black-owned businesses He

Maynard Jackson He was helpful in providing more contract work to black-owned businesses He expanded Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport He sought to add more African American police officers and promotions for African American officers

Maynard Jackson During the 1990 s, he worked with other important figures to bring

Maynard Jackson During the 1990 s, he worked with other important figures to bring the Olympics to Atlanta He retired in 1994 due to health problems He died in 2003 and in his honor, the city of Atlanta renamed the airport Hartsfield -Jackson Atlanta International

Maynard Jackson Select one of the following if desired: Maynard Jackson [7: 03] A

Maynard Jackson Select one of the following if desired: Maynard Jackson [7: 03] A Tribute to Maynard Jackson [9: 26]

Andrew Young

Andrew Young

Andrew Young He was active in the Civil Rights Movement He started working for

Andrew Young He was active in the Civil Rights Movement He started working for the SCLC where he successfully organized demonstrations and voter registration campaigns throughout the South He became a close associate with Martin Luther King, Jr. and was with him when he was assassinated

Andrew Young He was elected as Georgia’s first African-American Congressman in 1972 He was

Andrew Young He was elected as Georgia’s first African-American Congressman in 1972 He was later appointed ambassador to the United Nations In 1981, he was elected mayor of Atlanta As mayor, he helped Atlanta continue to grow and gain national standing

Andrew Young He left office in 1989, but continued to work for Georgia’s economic

Andrew Young He left office in 1989, but continued to work for Georgia’s economic development He served on the Olympic committee and has worked as a consultant for many international organizations

Compare and Contrast the contributions of Maynard Jackson and Andrew Young to Georgia.

Compare and Contrast the contributions of Maynard Jackson and Andrew Young to Georgia.